Chapter 2-real ending: Lift-off

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With everyone's eyes on you, you began to realize how the longer it took for you to come up with a decision, the longer the wait would be. You were only very impatient sometimes and you hated people that took their sweet and precious time, so you had to make a choice quickly.

Stay in flight-deck and enjoy the stars passing by you rapidly, with the con of spending what could be hours with both Lime and Blue.

Join everyone else in mid-dec and miss out on the stars, while being able to probably spark a positive conversation with someone.

You gave Green a small smile, "Guess I'm bunking with you then."

Greens eyes lit up for a second before they smiled back, twice as large, "Oh! I actually wasn't expecting that answer. Thank you, Red."

You tried to ignore the sounds of happy shrieks and squeals as Pink gripped White's arm tighter while you made your way into mid-deck. Just as you were about to crawl inside, Green lightly tapped your shoulder, "Actually Red, I wanted to ask you a question real quick if you don't mind?"

You raised an eyebrow, confused. "Oh? Well, of course, I don't mind. Is it going to be something personal?"

"Ah, I'm not so sure, it's... kinda hard to explain."

When both of you were inside you saw two empty seats next to one another. No one paid attention to either of you as you sat down in your chairs. You watched the interaction between Pink and White when Pink offered for White to climb up the ladder into flight-deck first. A part of you cringed when you saw how intense their eyes were staring at White's behind as they followed closely.

Green laughed beside you, which drew your attention away for a second. "Pink can be like that sometimes. I'm not really supposed to tell anyone this but I'm pretty sure they've been crushing on the poor fellow since our training academy years."

"Ah, so you and Pink are close then, I presume?" you questioned, trying your best not sound too invasive.

Green nodded their head. "We've known each other for quite some time now actually. I know we don't act like it, but we're practically childhood friends. Our parents met up once in an art museum where we were forced to bond in the kiddy section. We both liked art at the time but weren't old enough to go exploring on our own. You can imagine how surprising it must have been when we applied to work at the same company and the same space industry. It was even more shocking when we were both selected for being amongst the top twelve."

Hearing Green talk like this, just being surrounded in their presence alone, filled you with a sudden feeling of calamity and peace. It reminded you of those talks you'd have with relatives during thanksgiving dinner or on the phone when you're too far apart to see the former. You found it shocking that some of the astronauts actually did have a close relationship with one another. You had just assumed since no one often talked to the other that you all treated this as some sort of job and never bothered with making close relationships; however that could have just been your fault, you were an introvert after all.

Curious, you decided to change the topic for a bit, "So what made Pink so attracted to White?"

Green blushed a bit, as if the topic of love was embarrassing to them, but continued, "It was when the upper-classmen were demonstrating how to properly function a jet plane to the beginner class. White, being older than the majority of us, was amongst those few who participated. After the performance Pink wouldn't stop talking about how amazing they were and how much they wanted to meet them in person." Green looked to the side a bit as if hesitating. "Actually, one of the main reasons why Pink even applied for the top twelve was because they knew White was doing it as well."

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