We're meeting again

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[Season 3, Episode 1, Part 1]

''No no. No-no-no. You can't come to our school like this!''

''Well, technically speaking, I can. There are no laws forbidding me.''

Bits of Diane's and Jim's argument echoed through Arcadia Oak's High, where Diane had decided to pay a surprise visit, much to Jim's dismay. Bianca, or Umbreona, who was undercover at the same high, had brought Diane to her school, introducing Diane as her older sister. Jim and Diane walked through the hallways (still arguing), and Claire sneezed again.

''Claire, you're certainly ill'', Diane informed, turning her attention from Jim and furrowing her brows from concern. ''You've got that flu for two weeks now. Shouldn't you be recovering in your home?''

''No, I'm fine, really. It's just the flu'', Claire answered, and a sneeze was followed right after, causing Diane to grimace.

"Claire, you should be resting. I understand if this trollhunting-thing takes your time", Jim tried, attempting to reverse Claire's decision. ''You should...I don't know. You should have some balance in your life.''

The squad walked outside just at the same time as Mari Wang, one of Claire's best friends ran and screamed at Claire: ''C-bomb, you can not believe what is happening!''

Without waiting for anyone's answer Mari dragged Claire through the circle of girls. Diane frowned as she followed a bit slower behind, knowing that she was not needed at the moment. She peeked through the crowd and froze.

Claire was stumbling from the push Mari had given, and a hand came to help her. "C-bomb, huh? Consider me blown away, because you are nuclear."

Claire smiled. A small tint of blush turned her cheeks rosy from the compliment.

''It-It's Claire. And hey, thanks for the help.''

"It's nothing I can handle, fair lady Claire. I'm Douxie. Douxie Casperan'', the boy introduced himself.

Diane's gaze went as fast as the flash, looking at Douxie and Claire. Her thoughts were running at the speed of light, roaming and bouncing from the other side of her mind to the other. She couldn't have imagined that this was happening, nor did she think she could handle this. Claire and Douxie chatted normally, though Jim's mood started to get a bit low. Diane breathed in and out, focusing on anything else. Anything else being Jim's emotions. She recognized the emotion plastered on his face. Jealousy. Straight-up jealousy.

''Hey, you seem nice'', Douxie's voice seemed to finally break into her consciousness, and her eyes moved back to the ongoing conversation. ''Would you want to join in the Battle of the Bands?''

Claire and her friends, Darci and Mari, looked at each other, gleaming of excitement in their eyes, and shouted: ''We're gonna be...Mama Skull!''

The sound of chattery appeared as they discussed the future plans, clearly excited, but Jim interrupted.

''Claire, I get it, you want to do something fun, but isn't this 'Mama Skull' a bit too much?''

Claire glared at Jim. ''Someone said I should get some balance. Mama Skull!''

Douxie smiled at the two, and let out a chuckle.

Diane narrowed her eyes, and said with a carefree voice: ''Greetings, Casperan.'' As his head snapped towards her, Douxie's eyes widened. Out of surprise or shock, she didn't know. She didn't even want to know.

''Diane?'' He asked with a quiet, small voice. Diane let out small, mirthless laughter. ''Haven't seen you in a while. How's it been going all these years?'' Jim and Claire looked at Diane, then Douxie and back.

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