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side note: I know that CM shoots in LA, but I'm putting it in New York bc obviously this story takes place in NYC.

shooting has officially begun for Matthew, which means my days have changed drastically. instead of occasional meetings and some general freedom, mornings are spent at school and my afternoons on set.

despite the plethora of junk food available to cast members, I've taken to giving Matthew a meal plan of more substance. I know for a fact he would eat terribly if I didn't because somehow, no matter what his diet, he always looks amazing.

although we agreed on no salad (this is a boundary he is adamant about not crossing), I think I've tricked him into eating individual components throughout the day: baby carrots, baby tomatoes, grapes, and lots of clementines. it's pre-schooler food, but he seems to be happy with it.

when he's out shooting, I spend most of my time in his dressing room. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do that, but he always seems excited to see me when he comes in and I'm working on the couch. it's a new routine, one that isn't too bad. and if I ever feel claustrophobic, I can just step outside and take a walk around the city.

I untwist the cap of my water bottle and take a sip before my phone buzzes at my side. Ren has a stomach bug right now and I wouldn't be surprised if she wants me to pick up soup for her on the way back from work. she gets needy when she's under the weather.


Matthew's text makes my eyes go wide as my anxiety spikes. what the fuck? am I about to get fired? no, there's no reason for that.

my heart pounds erratically in my chest as I text back, what about?

all I get is a huge smiley face emoji and it only somewhat soothes my nerves. at least it isn't anything bad. all I can do is wait for him to return from shooting, which could take five minutes or four hours.


two hours later, the dressing room door swings open. my head jolts up from the Google Doc open on my laptop-- Matthew looks like he's been put through the ringer. he's wearing a suit that is currently being fitted, with pins all over the place; his hair is everywhere, there's a thin sheen of sweat over the high planes of his cheekbones.

"Ophelia!" he always says my name like there's something breathless in it.

"yes!" I reply with equal enthusiasm. he shuts the door behind him and plops down unceremoniously across from me on the couch.

"I was thinking to myself today..." he proclaims. I gesture for him to continue. "I should get a cat!"

"why?" I frown at the sudden assertion. Matthew owning a pet never really seemed like something I could imagine, although now that he's mentioning it, maybe I can. he's unbelievably excited at the prospect, loosening up his tie as he talks.

"just a little companion around the house. I've always wanted a pet, but dogs need walks and with us being so busy all the time... I don't know. thoughts?"

before I respond, I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and think it over. why is he asking my opinion? he's the one paying for the kitty healthcare bills and food. there are a slew of questions going through my head, but he looks like he could go adopt a cat right now if time allowed.

"cats are great. are you sure you have time to take care of the little thing?"

"definitely. but I'd have to go right after I'm done shooting. and you should come, if you can."

there's something peculiar about the way my stomach twists up when he invites me to come along. my hand gently covers up the happy smile on my face as I reply.

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