September's Story of the Month

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Meaningful Life

Written by: HorrorJunkeehttp://aminoapps

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Written by: HorrorJunkee

Original Post:

TW// Death, Afterlife, Cursing

'Meaningful Life' is a series of short stories playing on the idea of death and the afterlife.


Part One - 'What is nothing'

I don't really remember the feeling of dying.

It's not something anyone thinks about as often as the act of actually dying. How it feels to take your last breath and what's going to be the thing that inevitably causes it.

What I do remember, however, Is the experience that came after my demise.

It was dark, damp and musty. The type of feeling you'd get from being trapped within the walls of a mine shaft that had just collapsed and there was nothing but black in every direction for as far as the eye could see... or well, couldn't see in this instance. It wasn't cold nor warm, it wasn't loud nor quiet but a strange sense of calm overwhelmed me and eradicated my fears before they had even manifested.

So this was the afterlife? I had to admit, all things considered it wasn't half bad as the possibilities I had heard about in story books and religious texts, though sitting in pure nothingness for the rest of eternity wasn't exactly my idea of a good time either.

As I scanned my surroundings, I felt a familiar sensation just below my hip, a weird vibration that caught me off guard and sent a chill down my spine. I reached my hand into the pocket of the jeans I assume I had been wearing when my death befell me, and my fingers brushed against a cold, smooth, rectangular piece of metal.

It felt like my mobile phone.

My mobile phone was here with me and somehow still functioning.

I pulled it out of my pocket slowly and pressed down on the power button to check what had caused the vibration, surely I wasn't receiving texts from wherever I was.

As I was momentarily blinded by the bright light of my screen, a message was displayed very clearly from an unknown number.

'W e l c o m e t o p a r a d i s e'

The unnatural calm I had been feeling prior seemed to block any feelings of unease or anxiety that this would typically cause. I could only stare blankly but with forced acceptance at the words that glared back at me.

It appears I had died and reached paradise, Eden, Valhalla or whatever you wish to call it.

This unlit mass of space was supposed to be the heaven that every person strives so desperately to obtain but I wasn't buying it at all. Whoever or whatever sent me this message had to have been pulling my leg.

Though without a second more to think I received another message, just as blinding as the first one.

'h o w h a p p y w e w i l l b e t o g e t h e r

l i v i n g i n p a r a d i s e'

At this moment I began to resent my ease.

I wanted to be afraid, I wanted to scream, I wanted to throw my phone as far as I could possibly manage and cry in anguish. I wanted to, but I couldn't.

Remaining seated, I took a deep breath. There was nothing around me at all in either direction and I didn't sense any immediate danger. But in all honesty, I had no idea what I was supposed to believe or feel anymore. You never get a crash course in what to do after you die.

I clutched my phone tightly to my chest, gathering my thoughts when an obnoxious ringing filled my head, The phone, it was ringing now.

Messages are one thing but the idea of someone being on the other end of the line was genuinely frightening to me and as my pale hands hovered over the answer button, my once calm and collected persona shattered into a trembling heap.

All the fear and panic I had been shielded from suddenly hit me in one big wave and at this moment, I realised how unprepared I truly was.

'Hello?' My voice was low and shaky, you could hear my sporadic breathing from a mile away especially this close to the phone and I couldn't keep my hands still. Trembling in silence, I remained as not a single sound came through the other end of the line, not even the subtle humming of the phones microphone static. In a way, this lack of audible sound was somewhat comforting in the strangest way.

I winced, and pulled the phone away from my ear hastily as an uproarious, ear piercing shriek suddenly occupied the prior silence. First it was one, then another, and another.

Several voices all faded in one after the other for what seemed like an eternity, until the phone was bursting with an agonizing chorus of screaming and terror.

Throwing the mobile device away from me, I sat alone, my knees pulled up to my trembling chest and my face cradled by my own pale, lifeless hands.

What the fuck was going on? This had to be a sick joke.


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