Chapter 10- A new Snape arrives

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February had arrived and we were already two weeks in, I was spending most of my time in bed since the midwife ordered it. I was only allowed up to walk around the room and bathe. I was luck to have the same midwife who delivered Harry. She had been coming every four weeks since we arrived at Hogwarts and now was staying in residence till I delivered. 

About a week later I started feeling contractions. I was given a potion to help with the pain and my labor progressed smoothly. With little effort A little after 3am on the 21st of February Severus Tobias Snape Jr. was born. He was a healthy 8 pound 3 ounce twenty inch long baby. He had a wisp of dark hair on his head. As I lay there in bed in the hospital wing I watched as Severus held his son. The baby was holding on to Severus' finger and cooing up at his father. 

Severus sat on the edge of my bed and handed me our son. I couldn't get over the absolute love I had for these two amazing people. I decided to try and breast feed and he took right to it. Severus looked so proud as he watched us. I smiled at him as he sat up next to me and put his arm around me. We just sat there looking at our son suckling at my breast.  

Later that morning I was moved back to our quarters. As the baby lay snuggled in his cradle next to my side of the bed, Severus and I sat there cuddled together watching him sleep. I loved watching the way Severus looked at his son, he was so proud. I lay my hand on Severus' cheek and said "He is as handsome as his father" "No, he looks just like you" Severus said. 

As I watched Toby sleep I only saw his fathers features with my nose and that was the only part that was me. He was a joy so good and quiet. I enjoyed every part of taking care of him. The bond we shared as a family had grown with his arrival and our lives were so rich. 

"I just received a owl from Harry" Severus said as he came thru the bedroom door later that afternoon. "He will be here next weekend and he wants to discuss us moving to Grimmauld Place." I was stunned, although Severus and I had decided to look for a bigger place, I didn't expect Harry to offer his place. But I would love to be close to Harry when we are off for the summer. "Really, what do you think of that" I asked Severus. "I think it would be a good new start for our family, anyway Harry and I get along better now" he said

Yes he and Harry did get along better now, I know he held a lot of animosity toward Harry because of how he was treated by James and because Lily died protecting harry. He used to be so cold toward him and now he accepted him, they wern't the best of friends mind you bit they got along. Severus was a whole new man, all the professors commented on it to me and even many of the students. Love truly was the best medicine for him. But I always knew he was a kind, caring and warm person. He showed it to many after Lily died. He never left my side, we grieved together. He was my best friend, my rock and my protector. 

As I looked at Severus I remembered a conversation I had had with Albus before he died. How that love is the strongest magic in the world and how it could erase the darkness from ones life, even if that darkness was a mark. Why hadn't I remembered this before?

"Severus can you come here" I said to him. He rose off the bed and walked over to me. I went up to him and unbuttoned his jacket and took it off. I then unbuttoned the cuff of his left sleeve and brought it up to reveal the mark. "What are you doing?" Severus asked horrified. I place my right hand over the dark mark which now looked like a scar and looked up deep into his eyes. "I love you Severus so much" I said. And as I uttered those words under my hand began to glow a brilliant blue. When the glow stopped, I took my hand away and the mark was gone. No longer there to remind him of the worst decision of his life.

"How did you do that' Severus asked in astonishment. "Albus told me once that love was the most powerful magic and it could get rid of darkness even if that darkness was a mark." I explained to him "It took me this long to remember that conversation."  "You truly are amazing" he said to me as he took me into his arms and kissed me.

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