Chapter 1: Prologue

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Five years have passed since the day Optimus Prime, and his valiant band of warriors, the Autobots, now only defeated their long-standing enemies, The Decepticons, and saw to the final defeat of the malevolent Unicron, The Chaos Bringer - followed by the restoration of their home planet, Cybertron. Optimus Prime gave his very spark in order to ensure new generations of Cybertronians could be born into the new age of peace he, and his comrades had fought endlessly for. Ultra Magnus, chief lieutenant to Optimus, has since become the new leader of the Autobots in his stead. Hundreds of thousands of Cybertronians—both old and new—have returned to Cybertron to live in this new era, free from the terrors of war. As for the Decepticons, they have long since fallen into obscurity with the loss of their true leader. Megatron, the very Leader of all Decepticons, had put himself in self-exile thanks to the wicked machinations of Unicron granting him a new...perspective on things, while the malignant scientist, Shockwave, was still on the loose while remaining completely off the grid. And the air commander, Starscream, once Megatron's first lieutenant, had been captured, and tortured by the vengeful Predacons in the citadel fortress of Darkmount. Much has changed since Optimus had given his spark for the restoration of The Allspark, and became one with the very same Allspark. All seems well for the Autobots, as the peace they had sworn to uphold held, and their promise to their late leader was kept strong, as all had been made won.

But like many things, peace cannot always last - and the Decepticons would see their fury upon the Autobots: under the banner of an evil long banished from his homeworld, who would return to seize the empty throne left by Megatron, and become the leader who would see the empire rise from the ashes of its defeat...and the Autobot scum cleansed in the fires of Chaos, itself.

Five years since the final battle for Cybertron, Starscream had finally managed to escape from Darkmount and the relentless Predacons who now rule it. Of course, he barely made it out alive. But if the war had proven anything, it was that the seeker was far more persistent, and resilient than even Megatron gave him credit for. By now he had heard rumors of the Decepticons regaining their lost might and were rising to power under the sway of an unknown benefactor. Once he had repaired his injuries, Starscream set off to find where his brethren had gone to grow in new strength. When he finally did locate this new regime of the Decepticons, he was unaware that this new militia was one under the command of its own leader, seeking to pick up where the original Decepticon empire began. Both intrigued, and infuriated by the prospects, Starscream made his way to where this "new Decepticon leader" was in order to assess what he may already consider his new competition. As ever, he would find more than he bargained for when he came face-to-face with this new - yet familiar - Decepticon overlord.

"Ahh, Starscream. How nice of you to join us." a dark sinister voice said within the dark confines of the central station of the Decepticons' new lair.

"Who are you?!" Starscream exclaimed, already growing impatient with this bot - whoever he was.

"Oh, Starscream. Don't you recognize me?" the dark figure asked in a condescending, almost mocking tone.

"Show yourself!" Starscream yelled, finally having enough of this game.

He was indulged with the sounds of heavy, yet somehow familiar footfalls. The dark robot concealed by darkness stepped into the light to reveal himself. Starscream's optics widened with shock: for he recognized the dark robot as one of Megatron's former Decepticon generals. One he had banished from Cybertron along with his followers when he had tried to overthrow him during the Great War.

"Doomsayer? Is that you?" Starscream asked.

"Indeed it's me, Starscream." The Decepticon replied with a malicious grin. "Did you think that I would truly be gone for good? That banishment would keep me away forever? Or did the idea of my return never once cross that narrow-minded processor of yours?" He asked.

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