Chapter 13: Take Flight

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Orion Eclipse flies up into the air and although he was scared of falling at first, he took the courage to practice flying before he suddenly gets excited and Jetfire turns into a jet so that he can help his pupil know how to fly in his jet form. After a few minutes of practicing, Orion Eclipse was slowly getting the hang of it when he suddenly lost control of his balance while in his Cybertronian jet form. Then he dove down from the tall building before Jetfire quickly flew down to catch the young mech before he would fall to his death. Orion Eclipse shouted while falling down in a velocity as Jetfire reaches downward to save him.


"Hang on, Orion! I'm coming!!" Jetfire yelled.

"AAAH!!! What do I do?! I can't remember how to fly!" Orion Eclipse screamed.

"You can do it, Orion! Just let go of your fear and take flight!" Jetfire told Orion.

Orion Eclipse fell down faster and faster before he regained control of his own vehicle mode and just when it looks like he's about to crash and explode, he steers himself upward to a safer level of the air before he's able to master his ability to fly like a jet. Jetfire was surprised before he became proud of the young mech.

"Hey, Orion! You're flying!" Jetfire exclaimed.

"I am? I AM!!! I'm flying! I can fly!" Orion laughed happily.

Orion Eclipse and Jetfire flew across Autobot City from one building to the next. The young Decepticon amnesiac suddenly felt good as he could feel the wind flowing through him while flying in the air at speed before he became excited as he decides to test out his new flying abilities. Orion Eclipse flys up into the sky and then he takes another dive down from the sky before he soars across Autobot City with Jetfire close behind.

"WOO-HOOO!!!!" Orion Eclipse roared in excitement.

"Don't go too fast, Orion!" said Jetfire.

"How come? I'm really enjoying this flight!" Orion asked.

"We're in Autobot City. There are rules about flying in high speed. You could get in trouble for flying too fast and you'll get yourself hurt!" Jetfire warned the young bot.

"What's that? I can't hear you while we're flying!" Orion Eclipse said.

"Slow down!" Jetfire yelled.

"Make me! I can fly as fast as I want to!" Orion Eclipse replied.

"Oh no you don't, young bot! Get back here!" Jetfire said.

But Orion didn't listen as he continued to fly fast in high speed before he was far away from Jetfire as the Ex-Deceptcon perused the careless young Cybertronian. Orion Eclipse zoomed across Autobot City while avoiding a few obstacles and flying aircrafts and Orion flying fast in his jet mode was enough to cause a stir as a few citizens of Autobot City were surprised to see a Cybertronian Jet flying in high speed before they called for the police officers to put a stop to this before somebody gets hurt.

"STOOOOP!!!" Jetfire called Orion Eclipse.

(Song plays while Orion Eclipse is flying fast)

Somewhere in Iacon, Ultra Magnus was spending time with the Autobots while having exposition about how they must find The New Doomsayer and stop them while also trying to figure out how they can use The Sword of Primus when suddenly, Orion Eclipse flies across a lake of oil causing it to splash up into sprinkling rain of oil. Ratchet was in front of Bulkhead and the Autobots when they're shocked to see an incoming Cybertronian jet about to strike him from behind.

"Look out!" Bulkhead warned Ratchet.

Ratchet turns around and he screams, "AAAAAAAGHH!!!!"

Orion Eclipse flies upward, causing Ratchet to fall onto the ground before Bulkhead, Arcee, Bumblebee and Hot Rod check on the old Autobot medic as he groans and tries to get up.

"Are you okay, Ratchet?" Bumblebee asked.

Ratchet gets up with the help of his friends when another jet flies down and transforms back into his robot form. Ratchet was scared at first as he thought that he was going to get hit for real, but thank the Allspark that this other jet didn't hit him like the first one almost did.

"Jetfire! What in the Allspark is going on!!??!!" Ratchet asked in a tone mixed with anger and hysteria.

"Orion Eclipse is flying too fast! I tried to stop him, but it looks like he's airborne now." Jetfire said.

"He almost gave me a spark attack!" Ratchet replied angrily.

"Ratchet, watch your Energon pressure!" Bulkhead warned the medic.

"Where do you think he's going?!" Bumblebee asked.

"Probably flying up to our planet's atmosphere by now." Hot Rod presumed.

"Wait, what?!?" Arcee exclaimed.

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