chapter 1

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It was a normal day at school for Cha Sooyun. she loved her life. She had 2 great loving parents, good grades, and of course, her perfect boyfriend Byun Baekhyun.

She was heading to class when she passed her best friend Yeri in the hallway.

"Hey Sooyun!!"
said Yeri from across the hall. "Hii!!" answered sooyun. "Are you excited for the party tonight soo?" "I would be, if i was going..." "WHAT?!" yelled yeri catching everyone's attention. "i gotta study tonight, big test coming up, remember?" "ughhh such a good student, i'll tell you everything that happens tonight then." "okay sounds good. im gonna head to class, seeya later yeri" "bye stupid!"

Sooyun and Yeri have been best friends since the day they could talk. Their parents were friends which automatically made them friends. Yeri was sort of the reason that Sooyun and Baekhyun were together in the first place. Yeri and Sooyun were playing volleyball one day when she hit the ball to hard and ended up hitting Baekhyun right in the face. Out of concern, Sooyun ran to him and they clicked almost instantly. Its been 2 years since they met, and Sooyun still remembered it perfectly, how she felt that day and even what she was wearing. There was no doubt that after all this time, she was still head over heals for him. And so was he, their friends said they never saw a couple as perfect as them.

Suddenly a pair of arms circled Sooyun's waist as she was getting her books out the her locker. "guess who" She recognized the voice almost instantly. "hyunnie, what are you doing?" she said turning to face him. "i missed you" said baekhyun while grinning. "i missed you too love, but i gotta get to class so i'll talk to you later hm?" she said as she kissed his cheek. "okayy but i'll see you tonight right?" Baekhyun said as he hugged her one last time. " i already told you, i cant, i got a test, you go with your friends okay?" she said as she started walking away. "darn fine, call me later then!" yelled baekhyun as she was getting farther away . She flashed a peace sign and turned the corner.

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