chapter 3

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She arrived at his house and was almost immediately pulled inside Baekhyun's room. When she finally realised what was happening she got a good look of his face and saw that he was crying. His eyes were all swollen so she only assumed that he has been crying for a long time. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard him speak. "I- i'm so sorry i didnt mean to do it, i was drunk, the guys, they made we drink a lot, i didnt know what i was doing" Said Baekhyun while sobbing. "What are you talking about Baek, what did you do?" The next thing he said was something that she never wanted to hear in her entire life. Something she never even expected to happen.

"I cheated on you."

Her eyes welled up with tears as she stared at him in disbelief. "That's a joke right. Tell me you're joking." He stayed silent. " could you??". "I got really drunk last night. Most of it was blurry. I remember drinking with the boys and some girl showed up. She took me to one the private rooms there and then she-" "Stop." Yelled Sooyun as she tried to wipe all her tears. " i don't want to hear it. This is too much Baekhyun. I trusted you with my life and you go and do this?" Before he could answer she started walking out of his house. "Sooyun! Wait-" "No. Don't follow me. I need time to process this." As she was almost out of the door she stopped and turned back to him. "Dont try to reach me. I'll come back when i'm ready. As of right now..

We're over."


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