chapter 2

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It was 11pm and and Sooyun decided to take a small break from studying. She already got a text form Yeri saying that the food there was really good and the songs were all her favourites. She was flipping through everyone's stories and realized that Baekhyun still hasnt called her like he said he would. He said he would call before he went to the party but it has already been 4 hours and she hasn't heard anything from him. She tried calling him. Nothing. She decided to let it slide and went back to work.

The time was now 8am and she was about to head to school for her test when she checked her phone for the 5th time this morning. No text or call, he's never like this, she said to herself. She decided to ignore it since she didn't wanna overthink this. I'll call him after I finish the test, she said before walking out the door.

The whole time she felt something was wrong and wanted to just pull out her phone and check if he sent anything but she knew she had to focus on her test. At last, the time came when she finished her test. She dashed out of the class and stood right outside the school doors when she heard her phone ring. She checked her pockets and lit up when she saw the contact name was the one only Baekhyun. The person she's been dying to talk to. She answered right away. "Hi baek! You didnt call last night, how was the party?" She heard nothing from the other line other then heavy breathing. She was about to say something when he interrupted her. "S- Sooyun i'm so sorry i didn't mean to i-" "what are you talking about Baekhyun? You're talking way too fast." "Just- please come over now." "Okay i'll be there in 10 minutes."


i promise | bbhМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя