Chapter 4

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Yeona's jaw dropped the minute they arrived at the gates of Hannam The Hill. The green architecture was such a treat to her sight, her head was spinning in every direction basking in the view from inside the car as they drove through the village.

Hannam the Hill is known to have of the most expensive and luxurious apartments in Seoul. Yeona grew up in a small studio apartment, so the word luxury was never in her vocabulary. To describe her reaction to all this as 'amazed' would be an understatement. 

She was flabbergasted.

Namjoon— who was driving—looked through the rear view mirror at Yeona who sat in the back seat, her face almost pressed up against the car window. He chuckled thinking back to when he first came here and he had the same exact reaction she did. He pushed a button on the car door getting the window on Yeona's side to roll down to give her a better view.

"Welcome home kid." said Namjoon. 

Yeona's eyes grew even wider if possible, choking on her own spit. "H-home? Here? Really?!"

"Yes baby! Where else?" Namjoon laughed.

Taehyung, who was sitting next to Yeona, was recording the precious moment on his phone thinking that she might want to see it in the near future. Hoseok was also watching Yeona from the seat next to Namjoon, laughing and reminding her to close her mouth or she might catch flies. 

Namjoon took a right turn for the parking lot before parking the car underneath a shed. Once they got out of the car, Hoseok and Taehyung went to get Yeona's belongings out of the trunk. Yeona offered to help when she saw Hoseok with her guitar but he kindly declined saying that he got it. She let it go considering she didn't have much stuff at all, only a duffle bag, her school bag and her mom's guitar. Seeing this, Namjoon made a mental note to take her shopping soon.

They made their way down a cobblestone path which was surrounded by beautiful landscaping. The boys lead the way while Yeona trailed not too far behind to check out the scenery. There were units of apartments and houses on either side of the path, they all had uniform color schemes but each had unique architecture.

Since Big Hit Entertainment grew to be a large company thanks to BTS' success, they thought the boys deserved to live the life they earned and rent out a luxurious dorm for them. Hoseok motioned for Yeona to quicken her pace, and she did running up to his side so they now walked together.

Namjoon then entered a building, pushing a glass door open and holding it for them enter. He then led the way through the building and stopped in front of a tall dark wooden door. They waited patiently as he typed in the code in which Yeona made a mental note to remember. The door made a sound signaling that it was now unlocked, he pushed it open revealing a short hallway leading somewhere unknown the girl who had eyes full of wonder. She looked down to see a pile of shoes in front of the door indicating that there were people in the apartment and took off her shoes, setting them to the side and the boys did the same. 

"I guess they're all still here. Come on in, I'll introduce you." said Namjoon taking Yeona's small hand in his. 

"We'll take your stuff to my room Yeona-ya." said Taehyung and she nodded and watched them disappear down the hall.

Namjoon lead the way as Yeona trailed closely behind him. They walked down the short hallway and it opened up to a living room to see two men playing video games on their very large T.V, oblivious to to their arrival.

"Yah Jungkook stop cheating!" yelled the smaller male.

"I'm not! You're the one cheating here!" 

"Ah! Jeon Jungkook for fuck's sake stop—"

The screen went black ending their bickering.

"Yah!" shouted the two males in sync, looking back at them to see Namjoon with his arms crossed and the remote in hand.

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