Chapter 28: Closing Chapters

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"Well done Jade" My boss, Jake complimented.

"Thank you Jake" I smiled.

"Not only are you writing good adventures, crime and fantasy books; but you're also marvellous at writing romance novels," Jake said.

"Thank you once again, Jake," I said with gratitude.

We both gave each other a small smile before Jake broke the silence. "I believe that it's time for you to head out and have a real vacation,"

I laughed. "I'll see you soon," I said, turning my body to walk out of the door.

As I reach the opening entrance, I stop from Jake calling my name.

"Oh and Jade"

I turned my body to face Jake, curious to what he was going to say.

"Congrats on having a boyfriend," Jake said.

My face flushed with red. "Hehe, thanks" I giggled.

Turning my body back, I walked to my desk to grab my bag; waving goodbye to Lance with a wave before I walked to the metal doors that were slowly opening to reveal a tall male figure in a fancy black suit.

"Oh, William," I greeted with a smile.

The figure, William, lifted his head to see me, leading him to smile back. "Congrats on your romance novel, it was a big hit," William complimented.

"Thank you," I said.

We both switch places, William standing outside the elevator while I stand inside the elevator that automatically closes its door after I pressed the ground button.

"Enjoy your vacation," William said before the elevator doors closed fully.


Locking my car (hearing the beep and seeing the lights flash) I head towards a figure that leaned on the side of a tall building, down at his phone before lifting his head to see me. I smiled.

"Good day, isn't it?" Luke placed his phone inside his pocket.

"Of course, because you're here," I winked playfully.

Luke chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me closer towards him. He leans in for a peck, making me feel all giggly inside - like a teenage school girl. "I see you learned from me,"

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pretended to put a thinking face on. "Maybe," I said, pulling his face closer.

I stare into his eyes, seeing stars sparkling in them that made my heart race.

"Are you ready for your vacation,?" Luke whispered.

I smile, nodding my head as I whisper the words, "yeah,"

"Ew Aunt Jade"

Detaching ourselves from each other, we both turned to the direction of my nephew's voice, seeing him, Penelope and Marcus.

"Hey guys, are you all ready?" I asked.

"Of course we are," Penelope answered happily. "I can't believe we're going to have a family vacation in Duskfield - countryside~," Penelope said.

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