Chapter 5 - Light reading

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(Thank you, everyone, for the lovely messages. It makes me feel so loved <3 Here is an update! Sort of pun intended in the title)

A dark, spring sky , changing preternaturally, galloped overhead. The Golden trio sat closely, yet scattered across the library. Hermione, determent and full of adrenaline; brushing through the pages of her books - fast, though with great care. Ron, stressed and miserable; reading the same pages over and over again without getting much through that rosy head of his. Harry, bored and melancholic; stroking the back of his defence against the dark arts book - drool nearly dripping off his chin. He wasn't too busy studying for his final exams. It was now near the end of May. The final quidditch match would start any time soon, and Harry would not be allowed to participate in it. He couldn't focus. He growled just thinking about it and closed his book with a loud shut. Hermione sighed in annoyance and Ron jumped off his seat - knocking down his quill and ink.

"Blimey, Harry!" Dark emerald ink trailed down the hems of his blouse, and his fingertips stuck to his parchment - ruining a long list of scribbles that were supposed to help him during his fight with his exams. "What did you do that for? Fuck, my uniform!"

Hermione jumped up as well, pulling her wand - flicking it across Ron's desk. "Wingardium leviosa." The books raised from the table before the ink could reach their precious covers.

"Ehh," Harry looked up at the two of them, watching them sheepishly - unaware of whatever he'd done wrong. "Reading?"

"Reading?" Ronald cried. "I thought Seamus blew up the library!"


Hisses came from behind several bookcases that were as tall as the ceiling.

"-I thought-

"We get it, Ron," Harry and Hermione both sighed - Harry deciding to help her cleaning the mess he'd made. "You're overreacting." Harry dabbed the scribbled parchment, hoping he could fix the damage done. "Why are you so shaky anyways?"

Ron leaned against the book case as he stared at the ceiling. It almost looked like he was trying to communicate with Merlin himself. "Murder me, Harry."


"I'm not going to make it. I'll fail this years classes and me mum is going to kill me. I won't get my OWLs"

"What are you talking about?" Harry looked down at the other pieces of parchment, trying to decipher whatever he'd been writing down, yet suddenly seemed to understand Ronald's fear. "I don't know what you're talking about," he quickly scraped the pieces of parchment together to put them onto a large pile. "This looks great. You seem to get the hang of it." Harry was lying. "What are you studying again?"

Ronald let out a cry.

"You should've listened to me," Hermione decided to participate (debate) the conversation. The books were all fixed and lined perfectly, alphabetically, on her own borrowed desk. "You still can-"

Ronald cried once more.

"-If you stop whining at least. I can help you."

Harry whistled, wiggling his eyebrows as he glanced at Ronald, apparently trying to imply something dirty. "Yeah, she can help you."

A cold silence fell. The two stared at him. Hermione began to blush and Ronald pulled a nasty face.

"The fuck are you on about? Still not the same, are you?" Ron shoved him aside, raising his brows as he threw a glance at Hermione - who quickly turned her back towards the two, immediately sitting down to hide her face behind a book.

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