chapter 4-

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Authors note: this chapter is basically hagrids first lesson scene with some minor details changed. Im putting it in just so that chapter 5 makes more sense. That is all. Please enjoy!


After lunch me, Draco, pansy, Vincent, and Gregory headed to care for magical creatures class. Draco walks beside me and Gregory and Vincent protect us like they are bodyguards. 

Apparently the gamekeeper of the grounds of Hogwarts was also the professor. I truly pity this school for not having enough professors, but that doesn’t mean this gamekeeper is at fault. I'm sure he is qualified for this position.

We went to Hagrid's hut, where the professor lives for the lesson. “Ok, com on now. Come closer. Less talking if you don’t mind.” he said pointing to a random gryffindor. “I got a real treat for you today. A great lesson. Follow me!” he said walking towards the forest. The class followed. 

“Alright, less chattering. Form a group over there. And open your books to page 49.” he said.

“Exactly how do we do that?” draco commented letting go of my hand.

“Just stroke the spine of course.” he said, answering draco’s question. “Goodness me.” he whispered, but i heard him. 

Draco stoked the spine of the book (Monster Book of Monsters) with his rather veiny hands. God, I wish he could choke me with those hands, i thought to myself.

When suddenly a boy with crooked teeth was being attacked by his own book. Although it was funny, I couldn't admit he was rather adorable. Maybe this school wasn’t so bad after all.

I turned to hand my things to Gregory so I wouldn't have to carry them all day when I noticed Draco decided to make fun of Hermione and what seemed to be a weasley and none other than harry potter.

“Oh yeah. Terribly funny. Really witty. God this place has gone to the dogs. Wait till my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oath teaching classes.” Gregory and Vincent laughed. “Shut up malfoy!” Harry snapped back at him. 

“DRACO! DEMENTOR! DEMENTOR!” I said , pointing at the clear sky as a joke, with my face looking absolutely terrified and a voice of complete terror. Pansy and the other slytherins follow along with the joke. 

All the gryffindors fell for the prank, turning their head immediately, Harry looking like he's about to wet his pants.

The gryffindors looking back at the slytherins realizing we fooled them, “oOOooOOoHhhHhhH” we laughed in response.

“Isn’t he beautiful. Say hello to buckbeak.” Hagrid said, throwing a piece of meat to the hippogriff. “Hagrid. Exactly what is that?” the ginger haired boy asked. “That’s a hippogriff. They are very proud creatures and easily offended. Warning, don’t insult them.” I respond in a serious yet sarcastic tone.

“It may be the last thing you ever do.” Hagrid responded. “15 points to slytherin!”

“Now who will like to say hello.” Everyone backed up two steps. Everyone except harry. Which seemed he didn’t notice.

“Well done Harry. Well done.” the professor said. Harry turned around realizing it looked like he stepped forward. 

“Now. You have to let him make the first room. It’s only polite. So step up to a nice bow.” he said, Harry doing what he says. “Then you wait to see if he bows back and if he does you can come touch him. If not, well, we’ll get to that later.” 

He was patient just like my first time back in my manor, when mother taught me two years ago. “Here, you big brute.” Hagrid said, throwing another piece of meat to buckbeak. 

“Right. I think you can go and pat him now. Go on don’t be shy.” he said. Draco, Gregory and vincent pushed some gryffindors out of the way. “Come scarlet. I want you next to me.” he said, taking a bite out of his green apple.

“Coming draco.” I responded and walked his way to stand next to him.

Draco laughing at ‘how pathetic Harry is’ as he put it. “Well done! Well done, Harry! Well done!” hagrid said. All the gryffindors applauded at Harry's success in his first try.

“I think he may let you ride him now.” hagrid said. “What?” Harry responded. “Come now.” he said, picking up Harry and sitting him on the hippogriff. “Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hagrid!” Harry yelled. Suddenly Harry and the buckbeak are flying around. Hagrid whistles for the hippogriff to come back.

Everyone goes to applaud Harry, saying ‘well done!’ 

Suddenly I turn and notice draco isn’t standing next to me anymore. He heads toward the buckbeak and does exactly what I told him not to do.

Do. Not. Insult. The. Hippogriff.

“Yeah. You’re not dangerous at all, are you?” he says.

“Draco, I wouldn't if i were you!”

I yell at him trying to make him understand.

“You great ugly brute?” he continues, completely ignoring me. 

“Malfoy! no!” Hagrid grunts. The entire class screams as the hippogriff attacks draco, making him fall to the ground. I quickly run to draco without thinking twice of it, to make sure he's ok.

“Oh, it’s killed me! It’s killed me!” Draco screams dramatically.

I checked and it looked like a mere scratch. The only real damage was that part of his uniform sleeve was ripped.

“Hello! He has to be taken to the hospital wing.”

I say to Hagrid, since Draco is too heavy for me to carry him myself.

Draco continues to whimper around as Hagrid lifts him up. I followed Hagrid to accompany draco.

“Oh, you’re going to regret this.” he says.

Hagrid dismisses the class. “You and your bloody chicken!” draco still wimping.

“Quit being so dramatic draco! Honestly, I told you. Do. Not. Insult. The. Hippogriff.”

i said more slowly seeing if he will understand this time. Although knowing him, he didn't listen to a word I said on the way to the hospital wing.

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