what is happening?

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the boys sat in there normal seats for dinner as baron served meatloaf and potatoes 

it has been a few months since  shred heads defeat and the start of their new family the boys have started yokai school and were getting along swell well kinda

raph was a B C student he didnt really focus in class but played in foot ball and was a jock with many friends from the football team 

donnie would you assume be the best in school but not really he often slacked in class he was still an A B student but claimed he was to smart for school but draxum sent him anyways he often disrupted the class saying smart things and did not do homework like he was supposed to but was still on the chess team 

leo was the worse as expected really they knew he probably wouldntve done anything the two dads predicted and was right he was standing at an D F student often slacked and has skipped class multiple times but and was on the basket ball team 

mikey was actually the best out of all he was an A student and always came home with good grades and was always caught up and was always in class and was on the socccer team but had problems making friends 

so boys have all your homework done draxum asked his son s

yep raph replied im trying leo added I know it all anyways  donnie said annoyed as always mikey replied 

leo donnie draxum said you two need to get your homeowork done that is tour he only way you could finish school and graduate and start careers 

i gotta test on earth quakes tomorrow and i dont really understand how to tell the waves apart mikey said

just look up some examples mikey barry said you will figure it out soon 

mikey hmmed thinking for a minute

barry was very proud of mikey he had came a long way from his old self when he was thirteen now hes fifteen and really smart and still very kind 

splinter looked at his youngest son as they talked about school 

he expected to feel happy but 

he felt nothing 

what is happening? he asked himself

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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