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Tommy's POV

As Tubbo's words sink in, this so-called Emperor and I observe each other.

He's about the same height as me, with darker skin and stubble that lines his jaw. He also has fluffy hair the colour of dark chocolate.

The weirdest thing about him is that he has a pair of horns, which I assume are a ram's, jutting out of his head.

A finely tailored suit adds an aura of what can only be described as lawful evil.

I decide I do not like Emperor Schlatt.

I don't tell this to Tubbo of course, who's smile is so wide that it threatens to spill off of his face.

There's a miniature staring contest between Schlatt and I, but I back down, and I realize that I have to get Tubbo out of here as soon as possible.

Wilbur always praised me for my ability to tell what kind of person someone is just by looking at them.

And I'm staring at a murderer.

"So, Tubbo.... Who's your friend? "

Even the way he talks absolutely reeks of betrayal, backstabbing and treachery.

Just from the few minutes I've been in Schlatt's presence I can infer a lot of things about him.

He's not a fighter, but a commander. Makes others do his dirty work. He'd probably lie through his teeth if he got cornered, but stab you in the back as soon as you let him go.

He also probably has the emotional range of a teaspoon.

This is not the type of person I want Tubbo to be associated with.

"M-my name's Tommy."

I internally smack myself for stuttering.

"Tubbo, may I speak to you for a minute?"
His voice is so smooth, yet so diabolical as he chirps those words, a smile so forced it would be considered a grimace on his lips.

But of course Tubbo notices none of this.

"Wait!... " I panic. I can tell that Schlatt knows I saw right through him, that I didn't fall for the easy flattery or his charismatic nature.

I guess I forgot to mention that these kinds of people are also geniuses.

"Uh... Tubbo and I have to be going. "

"And why, may I ask, is that? "

As I said, diabolical.

"Well...we have to be home soon. "

"I'll have one of my assistants call you a taxi to take you home. "

"No! No, it's fine! Tubbo and I will walk. "

I'm panicking now, because I suspect that if I tell him we're from another dimension then he'll do something like... like... something bad.

"Can I speak to Tubbo for a few minutes please? "

I hastily drag Tubbo through another door despite his protests, until I find a utility closet and shuffle inside, shutting the door behind us.

"Tubbo, we've gotta get outta here. "

"Wait! Tonmy, why? What's wrong? "

"I don't like this Schlatt person. I think he's not telling us something. "

"Tommy, stop with the nonsense. Schlatt has nothing to hide. He's a great guy! " Sighs Tubbo, shuffling past me to get to the door.

"Tubbo! " I growl, yanking him back by the sleeve.

"Tommy! STOP IT! " Tubbo's yelling at me now, brow furrowed in frustration.

"Please Tubbo, just listen to me. "

"I just want to go home, okay Tubbo? But I need you with me. So please come back. Do your magic portal thingy and then we can have this conversation somewhere else. Okay? I have a gut feeling that if we tell Schlatt we're from another dimension then he'll do something terrible. "

He pities me, I can tell by the soft, sad look in his eyes, the small half smile on his face.

"Okay Tommy. You always did have the better judgement. "

I reach for the door handle, pushing the door open with a squeak.

And there is the one and only Emperor Schlatt, leant against the wall, admiring his watch with a smug look plastered onto his face, an entourage of guards behind him.

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