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I was fast asleep when all of a sudden I heard a loud bang and quickly got my gun from under my pillow and pointed it at the door. There stood Roy Mustang with his arms in the air. He dropped the plate of breakfast he held. "Calm down, Rosa" he said with a more relaxed voice that he only uses when we are alone. I put down the gun beside me and sighed. "The hell is wrong with you Roy?" I asked with a angry tone. He chuckled nervously then looked down at my body which I was covering with my sheets. "Are you naked under there?" He asked and seemed to be acutely curious. "HOW COULD YOU ASK THAT? OF COURSE I AM DIPSHIT! FIRST YOU BREAK INTO MY APARTMENT, SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME AND NOW YOU ARE MAKING THINGS VERY AWKWARD!" I shouted at him as he just stared at me in shock because of how heated I had gotten and was even pointing the pistol at him again. "I was just going to ask you if you want to join me today on meeting the Elric brothers?" He asked me. I huffed out of anger and lowered my gun for the last time. "Fine! I will" I got out of my bed and stood up. Roy's cheeks went redder then red itself as his eyes quickly made their way to my naked body. "GET USED TO IT ROY! YOU ALREADY MADE THINGS AWKWARD! YOU WANTED TO KNOW IF I WAS NAKED! WELL HERE IS YOUR FUCKING PROOF" I shouted at him one last time before pushing a very flustered Roy out of my room and closing the door in his face.

I sighed. "That basterd" I cursed as I walked over to a chair in my room and picked up my uniform that was draped over it. I looked at my tattoos in the mirror and sighed. All of them had a meaning but the one that had the most meaning was the one at the side of my stomach, down the bottom. It was a reminder that I was never going to age or die. I looked away from the mirror and put on my shirt that I always wear underneath my uniform. I was a failed homunculus. It wasn't that something went wrong it was just that once I got the chance I ran away from my maker. He didn't even get to see my face since he hired a scientist to do all his dirty work and I'm sure even he forgot what I looked like since they thought I was dead but I was just pretending so I could escape. I got the rest of my uniform on and looked at myself in the mirror once more. I fixed my very short blonde hair and looked at my glowing blue eyes. They were more glowing then other people's because of what I was. I was also much paler then everyone else.

I turned away and walked out of my room and into my kitchen where I saw Roy eating a bunch of my food from my fridge. "ROY!" I shouted. A chicken leg dropped out of his mouth when he saw how frustrated I was. "I was hungry don't blame me" he looked at me as if I was being really rude to him and had hurt his feelings. "Who's hungry? You. Which means it is your fault" I gave him a fake smile. He frowned at me and pulled the food in his hands closer to him. "Mine" he said in a childish way that was honestly cute and that's when I realised. He was drunk. I could smell it off him. "ROY WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!" I shouted at him, grabbing him by his collar down to my level. "Wha!" He looked down at me angrily. "You have work today! You have to meet with the Elric brothers for God's sake!" I glared at him before letting go of his collar and letting him stand up straight. "Ouchie" he rubbed his neck and looked at me as if I had said something rude. I rolled my eyes to this. "Come on, Roy" I started to drag him by the back of his collar out of my apartment while he dropped all the food on the ground on his way out. "My foodies!" He acted like his cat just died.

Once we had gotten to his office he was smiling at me like a dumbass. "What?" I asked him while sitting on his couch. "Your hot, you know that?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes at this. God he was so much to handle right now. There was a knock on the door. "Come in" Roy announced. One of the military men walked in and looked straight at me instead of Roy. "Mr. Kimblee requests your attendance lieutenant Rosa" he said to me. My eyes widened in fear. I know I can't be killed but Kimblee was always someone I feared a shit tone. I gulped. Roy looked down at me and frowned in worry. "Did he say why?" I asked him. He seemed to be scared too. He gulped. "He said 'he just wants a little chitchat'" he quoted Kimblee. Kimblee had been trying to get my attention ever since the war in ishlav. I didn't know what he wanted from me though. He also knew I was scared of him which he seemed to love. I nodded up at Roy to say I was going to go. He seemed to be worried but didn't stop me because he knew he couldn't stop me either way. I started to follow the military man who was new so I didn't know his name. My heart started to beat faster and faster. This man intimated me more then anyone had ever done. It's like he held some kind of power over me even though he was stuck, locked in chains and I was free. It was the energy he held around me. When I saw him around other people it wasn't the same energy but when we were alone it's like he feels more powerful and loves seeing me get scared or flustered.

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