Little Sister

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I gulped and looked back at Scar, who thank god didn't wake up yet. My phone started to ring and I panicked. My heart skipped a beat but I had to keep calm. I quickly stretched my arm out to the phone and picked it up from the nightstand. "Yes?" I asked. A man who's voice I didn't recognize answered my phone call. "Is this Rosa Lord?" He asked. My heart dropped to my stomach. How would they know my name? My full name? Not even my work members know my name. The only person who knows my name is...Nina. That little girl who was basically my little sister. I told her to call me in case of a emergency when her mother had died two years ago. She was only very young but she understood me. She also hid my number because I told her. I never trusted her father who took over as the only guardian in her life. "Yes" I held back the tears. I knew something bad must have happend. This guy sounded like a military officer just like me or a police officer. That could only mean bad news. "Do you know anyone by the name of Nina Tucker?" He asked. I had to keep a stirn voice even though I knew he was going to say something bad. "Yes. She's like a little sister to me" I told the man. "I'm sorry miss Lord but will you please come to--" I cut him off. 
"Yeah I know. I'm a luttaunte" I told him. There was a silence. "I am so sorry luttaunte Rosa but Nina Tucker was turned into a kamara with her dog Alexander by her father Shou Tucker" he informed me with pure sorrow in his voice now. Tears started to fill my eyes and I couldn't hold back anymore. I sniffed trying to control myself but I couldn't help but think there was no longer any reason left for me to live. "I'll be down as quick as possible" I told him before hanging up and bursting into tears, waking up Scar who was beside me. I brought my legs to my chest and hugged them. "Rosa? What happened? Did someone hurt you?" He asked concerned for me while placing a hand on my arm and lifting himself up. I looked down at him with tears streaming down my face. "She's gone! All because of him! She was only a baby Scar! A fucking baby!" I cried out to him. He stared at me in horror, trying to figure out what I was talking about. "I knew it! I should have taken her away when I had the chance to! Shou Tucker will pay! I will kill him, Scar! I will kill him if it is the last thing I do!" I shouted at him once more before letting out a scream of pain. Memories of her and me playing with her dog in the yard while her mother made everyone dinner flooded back to me. 
She was so pure, so innocent. She was the only one keeping me from losing it and losing my sanity. She was the only one keeping me alive apart from drinking everyday and snorting coke. Her laugh of joy rang in my head making me cry even more. I closed off the world around me and my ears started to ring. She was gone. My baby was gone. I just wanted her back. I wanted my little Nina back and Alexander. Her dog, her bestfreind. What kind of monster could do this to his own daughter? He was going to pay. I'm going to cut him up from limb to limb while he is still breathing so he can feel every peice of pain he could ever feel. I let out a ear percing scream with tears making there way faster down my face then any river in the world. I dug my nails into my thighs from the rage and pain tearing me up in peices. I wanted to burn everything down. I wanted to kill myself. I wanted to end it all and take everything down with me. I was the only one she had and yet still I couldn't save her. I couldn't save my baby. I couldn't save the only thing in my life that made me want to live. I lived for her. I tried for her. I did everything for her. Back at the war I was nothing but a suicidal girl who just wanted to die or a distraction but when I met her she made me want to live life again. 
I didn't know what to do so the next thing I did was get from the bed and open the bag of coke while still having wet fresh tears streaming down my face. My legs where shaky from all of the anger and emotion also from the fact that I just dug into them so hard with my nails. It hurt so much but I didn't care. I opened the bag with my shaky hands and started to do a line, using my card key to my apartment. "Nina? You don't have to do that" Scar told me but I ignored him and the world around me. I did four lines before snorting them all in a row without taking a break to lift my head up. Once I had finished I lifted my head up and shook my head at Scar. "You should leave. I need to be somewhere" I said in a shaky voice, looking like a drug addict. My short blonde shiver hair was all in a mess because of how much I gripped and pulled onto it, tears where still running down my face and my clothes where a mess. I wiped the left over powder off my nose before leaving Scar in shock in my apparent. I didn't care what he was going to do. He can go stay in it and I wouldn't mind. 
Once I had gotten to the office, I knew exactly who had to break the news to me again. The door opened and I relaxed my hands a bit from gripping my thighs so hard once again. I turned in my seat and saw him. Roy. He gave me a sorrowful look. He closed the door behind him and locked it. " I'm so sorry" he shook his head but I just shook it more furiously. "I don't feel like living anymore, Roy" I blurted out. Roy started to tear up. I could see it in his eyes even though my eyes where blurring from the tears that where still there and streaming at some times. He walked over to me and placed his hands on each of the two arm rests. He leaned down to me and looked down. I was confused at what he was looking at but then realised. My lips. He was looking down at my lips. I needed comfort. I needed something warm. I needed him. I needed Roy. I pushed myself up a little and smashed my lips onto his as a tear rolled down my cheek. His lips where so soft, so warm, so comforting. I wraped my arms around his neck. He was kissing back even more intensely before he pulled back, letting me drop back into the chair. A tear rolled down his face too. "I need you Rosa. You will never leave me. Promise me" he begged. I gulped, trying my very best to hold back the tears for now. I nodded at him as my answer but I knew I didn't know if I could keep my promise I just made. 
Suddenly the door opened and to my horror I saw him. Shou Tucker being held by two military men. I glared at the man. I stood up but Roy held me back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me as I kicked and screamed in response trying to get to my target. All Shou Tucker did was stand there and stared blanky at me. "YOU FUCKING DISGUISING PEICE OF SHIT!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as loud as I could."Are you crazy? Why did you bring him here?" Roy complained while struggling to keep me away from him. "I-i'm sorry sir. We just wanted to ask where we should bring him" they tried to defend themselves. Roy groaned in annoyance, still trying to keep me away from Tucker. "The tower!" He shouted at them before he left knowing that they shouldn't bother us right now. I knew where he was. The tower. I calmed down because now I knew where they where keeping him which means I could get to him in my own time and I promise I will make him pay in the worst way possible that I can think of. 
The rest of the day was just shit. They asked me questions and that's it. The same questions over and over again before I actually was realised very late at night. It was around 11pm when I could go back home and I still haven't seen Nina. I had stopped crying for a bit but would break down randomly and just have a full cry out until I calmed myself down and then repeat the whole thing over and over again. I tried to compose myself because I was on a street but that's when the idea hit me. I knew where he was. Shou Tucker. I knew exactly where he was and I was going to go there. I knew what I was going to do and I was not going home before doing so. 
Once I had gotten to the tower I went inside and up it. As I made my way up I ended up throwing daggers from my palms at the guards which killed them. I didn't care though. I didn't care anymore. I had no one to be good for. Once I got to the top of the tower I walked into the room to see him Shou Tucker with a dog like creature beside him. The dog had long hair at the top of it's body and seemed a little bit human like but not really. I knew it was her. It was Nina and Alexander. I could see myself in the shadow and couldn't help but admire how good I looked. My black skirt was hanging losing in the wind just like my short sleeved leather top that bottoned up to my chest but stopped there so that my cleavage was all out but I didn't care. I was sick of thinking back people thought of me. Once I stopped walking he turned around. His eyes widened in fear making me give him a devilish grin. "Hello Mr.Tucker" I glared at him while giving him a fake smile at the same time. He gulped. "Rosa. Rosa. Little Rosa" Nina spoke not in her normal voice but a more distorted robotic one. Tears started to form back into my eyes. 
I walked over to her and started to pet her. "Little Rosa. You came back. You came back. Can we play. Please" I started to burst out crying and nodded down at her. "One day princess. I promise little one. I will play with you for the rest of eternity" I nodded and tears just flowed down my face freely. "Why little Rosa hurting?" She asked. I let out a forced laugh and tried to calm myself while sniffing away the tears. I bent down to her height and turned her away from her father. "I hurt my leg on my way up here. You know like I did last Christmas" I told her while petting her all the time. I didn't look but threw a dagger at Tucker. I knew I never missed my target so I didn't look. He groaned in pain but Nina was too focused on me to notice and didn't turn around to look which was good. That's when I waved my hand at Tucker and he passed out but I knew where he went. He was dead. He was gone to my own personal hell I created for him. Yes I can do that. It's part of my power. "Oh yeah I remember. Is little Rosa going to be okay?" Nina asked. I nodded as a grin grew on my face when I knew finnaly that Tucker was going to suffer for the rest of his life. I made his hell to be him reliving his biggest fear over and over again until the end of time without being able to overcome it. He was also going to Ingure very extreme pain while going threw his fears over and over again. 
I felt good to kill. It was so relaxing and peaceful. "Yes Nina, she is" I tried to force a laugh. Nina turned around back to her father. "Daddy is sleeping" she said. I let out a laugh in between my tears. "Yes yes little one. He is. He's having a little nap. Today was very hard on him" I told her. Nina looked up at me and I could feel that she was smiling up at me. "He's doing sleepy" she said making me burst into tears. She was so pure and innocent. That's when I saw not my hand being placed on her head. Blue light streaks appeared just like from a alchemist and Nina fell to the floor. She was gone forever. I looked up in shock and saw Scar standing up like a angel who just saved me from the hard job that I would have had to do myself if not for him."Thank you"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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