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I ran outside and pulled out a cigarette from my pocket before lighting it and smoking it. That's when I saw him. A man with pure white hair, light brown skin and red eyes. He had a muscler built and a tattoo on one of his arms that was covering half his arm. I remember him. In the Ishvalan war. I remembered what he did for me.

Ishvalan War

I ran down the street of dead bodies and that's when I saw a man with pure white hair, red eyes, and light brown skin. He was built like a soldier but he was Ishvalan so he couldn't protect himself from alchemists by himself. He didn't know how to use it. We locked eyes and he glared at me. I gave him a sorrowful look. I wasn't doing this for fun like he probably thought I was. That's when I saw him. Kimblee. He was running towards the Ishvalan and he didn't seem to be aware of this. My eyes widened in fear. I had to do something. I couldn't let him die. There was too much deaths already going on. I was scared. I didn't want him to die. That split eye contact I had with him made me feel something. We had a connection. I felt it. He was not a bad guy. His eyes were filled with anger and sadness at the same time but when I made eye contact with Kimblee I saw excitement. He was a sadistic man. I knew that but I was still drawn to him for some reason.

I started to run as fast as I can, dropping my gun with no care in the world. If I were to die at least I wouldn't have to think about Kimblee anymore and wouldn't be afraid of falling for him when I knew that would probably kill me. I knew he would be the death of me if I wasn't going to die here and now. Maybe if i save one more life before my death I will have a peaceful afterlife. I really hoped I did. I also didn't want to die by anyone's hands but Kimblee's because I knew he didn't want to kill me and if he accidently killed me he wouldn't have to worry about me anymore, no one would have to worry about me anymore. I was just a waste of space in the world anyways. The Ishvalan's eyes winded and he noticed Kimblee finally. His eyes turned from a glare to a sorrowful look. I gave him a smile as a tear ran down my face. I was going to be blown up by Kimblee once I get in front of the Ishvalan. The Ishvalan's eyes turned from sorrowful to a determined look. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Kimblee slowly started to realise that it was me who was running up to the front but it was too late if I didn't move he was going to blow me up no matter if he wanted to or not.

All of a sudden I felt a strong arm warp around my waist like it was nothing and drag me away from the front. I gasped in fear and shock but there was no time to process anything. Kimblee was already blowing the ground up and I was flying to the side with someone's arm around me, guiding me to the ground away from the explosion. I hit the ground with a hard bang. My head hurt like hell and my ears started to ring. I was in so much pain. I groaned. I had closed my eyes so that the pain in my head would go away but when I reopened them I saw him. The Ishvalan I was about to save hovering over me. I was leaning on one of my arms for support so I wouldn't go crumbling to the ground completely. He was really handsome. He had a hard face though, which made him even more attractive. I smiled at the man. "Thank you" I told him. He nodded down at me. "Why did you do that?" He asked me. I shook my head before responding to his question. "I had to. You were going to get blown up" I told him honestly. He shook his head too. "But your with them" he told me. I gave him a warm smile in response. "So? I don't want to be here just as much as you don't" I told him. He nodded at me in response. "Your too beautiful to be here, too young" he told me firmly. I let out a chuckle and shrugged. " It's my job. No one cares how I look or about my age"

End of flashback

My eyes winded in shock. It was him. It was definitely him for sure. He turned his gaze from straight ahead to me when he sensed someone was looking. We made eye contact before I ran across the street without thinking. I needed to thank this man again. He helped me. He saved my life. He seemed to be shocked when I had run across the street and was standing right before him now. "Rosa" he spoke my name. I smiled at the thought that he actually bothered to remember my name. "Scar" I smiled. I ran into his arms and hugged him. He seemed in shock at first but then hugged me back once he was used to it. He was so big, in a good way. I seemed so tiny compared to him. I could feel him smile when he had hugged me which made me smile too. I was so glad he was still alive. Once I had pulled away after a minute of us just standing there he looked down at me as if I was some kind of pure little angel which I was far from. "I'm glad your okay" he told me. I nodded in agreement. "Me too. It would have been bad if you weren't" I blushed a little when I said this while looking down at the ground.

"Are you still in the military?" He asked. I nodded as a answer, looking back at the prison I was just in. Then I remembered what Kimblee had done to him. He killed his brother during the war. I was there and witnessed everything go down. "Where you visiting someone?" He asked. I didn't dare make eye contact with him because I was too scared to. I am falling for his brother's murderer and it made me sick that I was. Here stood the perfect man in front of me who would probably care for me and protect me all the time and yet I still fall for Kimblee who just wants me all to himself and no one else as if I was his property. "Yeah...I had to" he told him. He frowned down at me but didn't question it which I was grateful for. "No you didn't" A women came up to me with a hood covering her head and face. She sounded old though. She bumped into me on purpose of course. Scar frowned at this too. "But the prophecy says your going to be with him until the very end no matter what" she placed a hand on my arm. "What are you talking about? Who are you?" I asked her. Did Kimblee set this up? "I was just passing by but I can feel it. You're going to end up with that sick man" she shook her head. I placed a hand on her arm, letting her drop hers off mine. "That's enough, you can keep going" I told her. Scar looked down at me suspiciously. His eyes winded as if he had realised something. I hoped to god he didn't realise the truth. "I will not end up with him you old hag" I glared down at her. I could see a smirk under her hood appear on her face. "I'm warning you girl" she said before leaving the both of us alone.

I closed my eyes shut and tried to brush all my thoughts about Kimblee away as best as I could. "You saw him, didn't you?" He asked me. I looked up at Scar and gulped. He was looking away, glaring at the ground. " No, Scar! Please" I begged but he just shook his head. "What does he want from you?" He asked me. I closed my eyes shut once more, preparing myself for the worst before opening them back up. "He wants me, Scar. He wants me all to himself and it scares me" I told him the truth. Scar finally looked at me and made eye contact. " It's obvious. You're so...beautiful" he said it as if it was the worst thing in the world. "You're perfect" he said it once again as if it was some kind of bad news. I let out a forced chuckle so I could brighten up the mood. "But I'm not, I'm just...okay looking. He's too old for me anyways" I said since I was only 23 at this point and Kimblee was in his early 30s already but what Scar didn't know was that I was a sucker for older men for some reason. Yes I joined the army from a very young age and once I turned 16 I was kidnapped and turned into a homunculus. Since then I haven't aged and never will. "Am I too old for you?" He asked me. I gulped as I flushed a bright red. He did look a little older then Kimblee but not too much older. "I prefer younger men, about my age" I lied. Scar smirked at this statement as if he was seeing right past my lies. "Then why are you always so flustered around me?" He asked me which made me blush even harder. He had stepped closer to me and was towering over me so much it was shocking but unlike being around Kimblee I felt safe around Scar. Yes I was flustered but in a good way. It felt perfect. He seemed perfect.

"Because your perfect. Your the perfect man for any women. You would protect me and keep me safe and warm" I smiled up at him, blushing a little still. He gave me a very slight smile that almost seemed non existent. I looked down sadly. "But...I'm No angel, Scar. I...I love the danger and the thrill that Kimblee makes me feel. I'm so sorry. I know what he did and yet it makes me sick to my stomach that I could possibly enjoy his company" I gulped, hoping I wouldn't anger Scar. I saw him clench his hand into a fist for a moment before he let it lose again which made me sigh in relief. "Come here" he opened his arms to me. I looked up and made eye contact with him. There was nothing but sadness and love in his eyes. I gave him a warm smile before walking to his arms. To my surprise he lifted me up in a bridal style. He was so warm compared to the cold night air I had to face. I was right. He made me feel so safe and so warm. It felt so right, nothing felt wrong...but there was no thrill and I knew I wanted it too much to say no to Kimblee.

After about 20 minutes I felt comforting soft sheets bellow me. I felt empty once he left me there but soon enough Scar was back right beside me. I crawled over to him and let him wrap his strong arms around me and make me once again feel so comfortable. I wanted to stay in his arms forever. I didn't care where I was as long as I was with him. I didn't care if it was my house or his. I just felt so complete with him cuddling me.

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