Chapter 6

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'Jaz are you ready?' Pedro is waiting with the car'. Maggie called from behind the door.
  'Coming Mum', Jaz said as she finished with her hair and looked at her reflection one more time in the mirror. Everything was in her, she has her hair in a French braid and dressed in a black tee and shocking pink jeans with long black trainers. Jaz grab her backpack and slung it on her shoulder, she went out of her room.
  Mr Valerian, dad, was sitting reading a file in the living room while Maggie was on the phone and making a hot chocolate drink.
  'Hi dad', Jaz said casually and kissed her mum on the cheek. Mr Valerian looked up momentarily from his file and said nothing.
  'Are all your stuff packed?' Maggie asked as she sip her drink.
  'Yes Mum', Jaz answered.
'Hope you stay away from trouble this time around', Mr Valerian said and Jaz shrugged and said goodbye.
Pedro was waiting and drove her to school like always were the bus will be taking them for the trip.
  Jaz knew if it was left to her dad, he won't have let her gone on this trip. Jaz shivered and hold her backpack to her chest. She will be careful and Dante was there with her. Nothing will happen, she tried to think positively.
Dante was waiting for her as she got down the car. He came over looking cute in a black leather jacket on top his white tee and blue jeans with a pair of white sneakers. He looked handsome and beamed at Jaz.
  'Are you ready?'
'Yes', Jaz took the hand he offer and noticed how big his backpack was.
  The big double decker bus was already waiting and everyone checked in. Jaz and Dante sat together and everyone settled down and some were chatting. Dante open his bag and brought out a plastic bag.
  'What's that?' Jaz asked as she eyed the bag.
'Snacks, everything we might need for the trip'. Dante said and offer her a sweet. Jaz took it and noticed the plastic bag was fill with sweet delicacies. She ate her favorite chocolate chip cookies, strawberry ice-cream, sweets and lotta of chocolate wafers.
'The snacks are amazing', Jaz said as she finished the hazelnut chocolate biscuits.
  'Yes, I brought them specially for you', Dante told her.
  'Well, thanks because I enjoyed them'. Jaz said relaxed and feeling comfortably good.
  'Has anyone told you, but you looking Stunningly beautiful in this hairstyle', Dante admitted as he whispered in her ear and Jaz blushed crimson. This was crazy! She felt hot!

'Do you know what I has in mind when I saw?' Dante asked as he sat down beside Jaz on the field. She was alone enjoying the caramel macchiato iced chocolate milkshake and a pack of Oreo cookies.
  'No', Jaz shook her hair. Dante throw peanut into his mouth. His blond hair was a bit tousle and his bangs seem longer.
  'Trouble, you were trouble so I made a mission'.
  'How?' Jaz tilted her head to look at him.
'My mission was to change you, I wanted to bring out the goodness in you and make you a better person'.
  'You has everything in mind?'
'Yeah but you made the opening', Dante grinned proudly.
  'I'm surprised, you wizard!' Jaz hit him on the shoulder. Yes, she was surprised as well as please.
  The field trip went smoothly and soon Dante was excorting Jaz home even through her protest.
  Maggie was happy to see Dante bring Jaz home. She has a happy chat with Dante.
'Hope she didn't cause you trouble?' Maggie asked. 
  'No, she was focus but quiet bossy', Dante has said and Jaz gave him a look. Maggie laugh; she drew her daughter too well.
  'Thank you for looking out for Jaz from trouble'. Maggie said.
  'She's a good friend, Thanks Maggie, I have to go home'.
  'Well, see you soon'. Maggie bade him goodbye.
  'Mum, was that relevant?' Jaz asked as she took a piece of strawberry gummies and mulch it.
  'Yeah, he seems to like you'. Maggie winked.
  'Mum, I'm only fifteen for chrissake!' Jaz rolled her eyes, tired to the bone.
  'There you go again, teenage years are always the best. I miss being a teenager, Maggie said.
  'You always exaggerate like a drama queen', Jaz muttered and went upstairs after grabbing a handful of strawberry gummies.

'What's it you want?' Dante stood still and look into Apollo iron grey eyes.
  'This has nothing to do with you, Apollo told him.
'Then stop pestering Jaz, she has got nothing to do with you. Dante said straightforwardly.
  'Sorry but you can't stop me, Jaz'. Apollo turned to her and she eyed him.
  'I don't want to talk to you, you are a bully and numbskull freak. That's what you are! Jaz said into Apollo face. Apollo face harden and he grabbed her hair.
  'Don't you dare touch her, I won't spare your life'. Dante threatened his face rigid with hatred and disgust.
  'Let go', Jaz stuggle and free herself from Apollo grip.
  'You unmannerly idiot!' Jaz shriek with pain as she rubbed the arm he has hold. Dante took her hand.
  'Are you ready to fight me?' Apollo asked decided.
  'Definitely', Dante respond.
'No', Jaz said panicky. 'You can't fight him, you can't loose your cool. Don't let him raise your hackles'.
  'Yes', Dante nodded grimly. He would have loved to get tough with Apollo but no, where would that get them? Explosion or suspension? He has to remember to stay loose, stay loose.
  'Let's go', Dante breath in and out and walked out of the art room.
  Apollo was now the dim-witted guy.

Dante and Jaz has been closer since he told her of his mission and has become good friends and enjoying each other company. Now, Jaz, Kath and Dante has gone to the fairy-ground that saturday for fun. Kath has been ridiculously happy to spend the weekend with Jaz and Jaz was a also fun loving.
  They rode on the roller coaster and ferris wheel. It was pure fun and all threesome has a great whale of time.
  'You are Dante best girlfriend', Kath whispered as she sat with Jaz in a bench eating deep fried chicken pieces sold in packs and classic strawberry milkshake.
  'What?' Jaz almost choked as she ate the vanilla bean gelato while sitting under the sun and relishing the fun.
  'Yeah, it's the truth you are his best girlfriend'. Kath whispered again.
  'We are not dating, Kath'. Just good friends'. Jaz said as she gulped down her saliva.
   'No, you are so close and I know', Kath argued.
  'Did Dante said I'm his girlfriend?' Jaz asked.
'No, he never said so. I made the conclusion myself'.
  'Oh!' Jaz looked and saw Dante approaching with the candy floss he has gone to get for them.
'So did you enjoy the food?' Dante asked.
   'Yes, Jaz glanced down at her empty plate as she has finished her lunch of grilled cheese and fries. 'It's delicious'.
  'I agree, Kath was so excited about the outing'.
  'She's so bright and bouncy'. Jaz smiled as she remembered their rollercoaster ride.
  'I will say she is bright-eyed and busy tailed or boisterous like you'. Dante said quietly.
'Me, you gotta be kidding me'. Jaz chuckled and suddenly remembered Jaz words about their relationship. She lead on the table as she dropped her frozen yogurt and laugh again.
  'What has got you laughing?' Dante was eager to know.
  'Kath think we are dating, like I'm your girlfriend'.
  'Seriously, oh my God! Dante gasped, amusement gleamed in his dark eyes.
  'I can't even imagine it, me your girlfriend'.
'This is funny, Kath can be so assuming'.
'She's only a kid', Jaz laughed again. Now everything seem like a joke and everything was staring at both of them.
  'So are you know my girlfriend?' Dante teased. His eyes glittering  with pure amusement.
  'That's sorta a joke, you are a bad boy'.
'Then, you are really worst'. Dante said and Jaz rolled her eyes.
Jaz has finished her classes for the day and goes to the locker room. She was tired after so many long lectures and Sachi has got a detention. Well, she has been kind of frustrating and Mr Roberts the physics teacher, has been mad.
  'Jaz opened her locker and a flask of dirty water pour down at her. She heard the loud laughter from others around and opened her eyes. Her hair was a mess as they plaster limply to her clothes and everything she wore was ruined. In fact, the dirty water was stinking.
  'Wow, Jaz, did you enjoy the shower?' Apollo voice flow into her ears and she turned with rage.
  'You set this up, how could you?' Jaz was utterly embarrassed.
  'Urgh, what proof have you got?' Apollo asked nonchalantly. He gave cock a hoop smile.
  'You are such a vile stupid person, you are a viper and I hate you! Jaz shriek as the tears rolled down. She was deeply hurt and seething. What can she do?
  'Yeah, don't yell at me. How do you expect me to be so vicious?'
  'I hate you!' Jaz scream as she push past him and flee from the locker room, sobbing. She ran straight into Dante and he held her.
  'Jaz, what has happened? You are crying'. His voice was so tender that Jaz burst into fresh tears and held his arms.
  'Apollo did it, isn't it?' He demanded and Jaz hiccuped and as she nod. Dante has never seen her cry like this, she has been a strong person.
  'Come, I'll take you to the shower room and you can change'. Dante said and took her hair. Jaz bite her lower lip to keep the tears at bay.
  Luckily the shower room was empty and she washed herself clean while trying not to cry. Dante has got her his long hoodie sweater and she could manage her jeans short. Dante wore his soccer jersey so she could have his sweater and he took her home.
  Dante would have loved to kick Apollo for hurting Jaz, but he couldn't. He couldn't ruin Jaz reputation anymore and leave her and himself expel as that was exactly Apollo has in mind. He controlled his pain and anger from exploding.

This wasn't the first time Apollo has hurt her. He has done so many horrible things to her, so many and Jaz thought of them as she lay on her bed and staring at the ceiling.
  How could he have humiliate her in front of so many people? He has been pursuing and Jaz has hated him. She hate him now and felt her blood boiling as she thought of his infamous smile and nefarious intentions. No, she couldn't let him win. She has learned to always fight back since she was in kindergarten. That kid, Paul was his name and he has always seized her lunch leaving her hungry so she has fight back. It wasn't easy but she wasn't afraid of him or anyone.
Yes, she could beat Apollo in his own game and make him pay. She would definitely make him pain.
  Jaz turned on her bed with her face down and try not to remember those horrible incident.

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