Chapter One

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-Sugawara  P.O.V-

After opening my eyes I immediately squeezed them shut.

 It was bright, the world seemed white as I tried blinking my eyes open again. 

The room smelled like bleach and chemicals, I realized that I was powerless as I couldn't move my arms or legs, though I still felt heavy.

 As the blinding light of the room subsided I desperately looked around the room to see where I was.

 There were clean and pristine grey curtains hanging over the window, underneath that same window were two plastic chairs that looked as if they could break once you sat upon them.

 On the opposite side of the room, there was a walnut door with a clipboard hanging against it.

 If you squinted hard enough from where my bed was a couple of feet away, you could see my name faintly written on the sheet. 

Sugawara Kōshi.

Finally, I realized where I was and I started wracking my brain on why I was here.

 I mean what happened that made me go to the hospital.

 I'm a perfectly healthy kid.

 Then it hit me. 



-The past 3 days-


 My alarm went off, I reached my hand over to stop it but my arm hit the tall water glass beside my bed, spilling the liquids inside everywhere.

 Grumbling as I sat up I headed over to the bathroom to grab a towel to clean up the mess I made.

 At the same time, my dad came out of his room, rubbing his eyes and looking upset, "Kōshi what's going on, why is your alarm waking me up this early". 

Shoot I forgot to turn my alarm off, it was still blaring inside of my room. "Shit. Sorry dad, I'll turn it off". 

Rolling his eyes my dad chimed to me "language.." before heading back into his room.

 I ran over to my room to shut off the alarm but totally forgot about the water I spilled.

 My foot slipped across my wet hardwood floor and I fell backward into the puddle. "Owwww, today is not starting out well" I muttered.

 Clenching my hands together and rising from the floor I groaned, rubbing my back that I had fallen upon.

Once the floor was dried and I cleaned myself up I started to get changed.

 My outfit of choice was a dark denim pair of jeans with slight rips on the knees. I chose my favorite shirt that had the word "potato" on it. On top of the cyan shirt, I slipped on my Karasuno volleyball team jacket. 

On my way to the door, I grabbed an apple, I didn't have enough time to eat breakfast as I was already late enough to meet Daichi.

 Setting a note about studying after school at Asahi's down on the counter for my dad to see I grabbed the picture of my mother that was sitting on a side table in the living room.

 Hugging the picture I told my mom that I would see her later, I kissed her goodbye and headed out the door.

 I ran as fast as I could to the corner where Daichi would be waiting for me. 

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