Chapter one

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👆👆👆This song is one of the songs that got me through hard times and I felt described me you will find out why a little later

So where to start
Hmm let's give you a bit of back story my name I'm going to use for this is my middle name in reality...Jessica
I was born in south east England 2007
I have an older sister we are going to call her Chantelle she was like my best friend when we were younger but she grew up and life got in the way she was born in 2000 so she's a bit older than me my mother and father And then my brother who we are gonna call Michael he was born in 2012
I'm going to do a chapter for every time there was a major event in my life or something I find hard talking about due to it being distressing for me
So as you can see this is not a formal wattpad story and I'm treating this "book" as a text to you
So hi ❤️❤️❤️
My next chapter is going to discuss my parents wedding and breakup

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