is it beautiful over there?

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/this was an idea I got while watching the series Its Okay To Not Be Okay. I definitely recommend it, its amazing! Anyway, enjoy!/


Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived alone in a big house. The house was dark and smelt of broken dreams and flat futures. The young girl used to walk down the long marble corridor everyday, her feet beating against the slab of rock silently and rhythmically. There was a tinted window at the end of the long corridor which lead out to a small balcony with rusted metal rails. At the crack of dawn every day, she would stand on her balcony and look out into the forest behind the house. She had a sorrowful look in her eyes, like a statue that was being washed away by the rain. 

One day, a rabbit ran up to the house and sniffed around curiously. She called to him.

'Is it beautiful over there?'

The rabbit replied

'Yes, the grass out there is so green. My children and I roll around in the grass and we have so much fun. 

The girl said

'But how can you know fun when you are scared to die? There are foxes out there, they will eat you and steal your children.'

The rabbit studied the girl's intelligent eyes and said to her before hopping off. 

'Little girl, you are clever but you are nothing but stone. Nobody could die for you.'

The girl sighed and disappeared back into the house.


The next day, a magpie lands on the crippled frame of the old metal gate. The girl called.

'Is it beautiful over there?'

The magpie replied.

'Yes, it is. My wife and I love basking in the sun and watching the stars together.'

The girl said. 

'But aren't you afraid of the future? Have you ever considered that one day she might leave you for someone else she considered to be better for her?'

The magpie looked at her lovely face and told her, before flying off.

'Little girl, you are beautiful but you numb to all emotion. Nobody could live for you.'

The girl sighed and retreated back into her house.


The day after, a wolf prods up to the rusty gate and plows around, searching for prey. The girl calls.

'Is it beautiful over there?'

The magpie replied.

'Yes, it is. This is excellent hunting ground where I will find my next meal and claim this as my territory'

The girl said.

'What will happen if you lose to a challenger? Will the blood that flow be thicker than the bond of brotherhood?'

The wolf noticed her coloured cheeks and told her, before running off.

'Little girl, you are full of life but you are still like a corpse. Nobody's blood could be spilt for you.

The girl sighed and retreated back into her house.


The day that the leaves turn the colour of ashes, a young boy approaches the gate. The girl calls

'Is it beautiful over there?'

The boy called back.

'No, it isn't. I'm looking for a place to call my home but all I see are echoes of forgotten lives. May I come in?'

The girl said.

'Do you know what happens to a person who enters? They are cursed to spend an eternity here with me.'

The boy pauses and closes his eyes. In that pause, he feels her soul, delicate and pure under the hard mask of sorrow. He slowly opens his eyes and says

'Little girl, I am not scared of you. I might not be able to live for you, die for you or spill blood for you but I can love for you.'

The rusted gates silently swing open and in steps the boy. A tear slides down the girl's face as his step leaves the first mark on her heart.


photo credit : ScottatmOcean

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