[Safe and Sound]

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[this gonna be short but i felt like writing this and i'm sorry in advance. I had to do it. Also IMPORTANT FOR THE STORY Jack suffers through ptsd because he let's pretend he got bullied a lot for being gay when he was a kid, and let's say, at one point the bullies went too far.]

Jack's POV

I walk through the streets not knowing exactly where I was, I made a halt in front of an old building, a building I knew all too well... I push the doors open and walked inside. I knew every crook and cranny of this place, I knew every vent, every secret doorway, every hiding spot, everything. I knew this place like the back of my hand. I walk through the hallways, hearing nothing but my own steps.

The silence was deafening, I didn't like it one bit. I look behind me and saw the door where I came from earlier. I look back in front of me, I stopped dead in my tracks, Right at the end of the hallway I saw them... The main one stood there staring at me with this stare. I knew what that stare meant...

I slowly turn around speed walk away. I heard their footsteps following me. I start to walk faster. I can hear them getting closer... I turn a corner and walk in the janitor's closet. I placed a bucket upside down and stand on it to reach the vent above me. I pushed the thing covering the vent and quickly climb up.

I got up as I heard the door burst open. I was crawling when I felt something grip my leg, I let out a yelp. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" The guy yelled. I tried to thrash, to get him off my leg, But his grip tightened. "LET ME GO!" I yelled. I kicked him in the face causing his nose to bleed. He groaned but still kept his death grip on my leg.

"Agh... You're gonna pay for that you [insert slur for gay people]." He started pulling me down.

"NO! NONO! LET ME GO PLEASE!" I pleaded and squirmed. "PLEASE! I-I NEVER EVEN DID ANYTHING TO YOU!" I yelled, tears streaming down my eyes.

They held me down and laughed at me. "Maybe, I could bring you back where you belong huh?!" The guy I kicked earlier yelled. He motioned for the other two to drag me to god knows where.

"PLEASE! PLEASE! NO! I-I JUST WANNA GO HOME! PLEASE JUST LET ME GO!" I cried as they dragged me towards the bathroom and to one of the stalls.

"Oh this'll make you feel right at home [insert another slur for gay people]." He said with a sick smile plastered on his face.

I thrashed but the three of them were stronger than me. He grabbed my hair and held me up. "Back home we go Seán~!" He yelled in a sing song voice.

"NO PLE-" Before i could finish my sentence he slammed my head in the toilet bowl and held my head down. I tried pushing myself up but once again they're stronger than me. I felt myself slowly drowning, I couldn't breathe anymore, I felt my body get weak, I couldn't breathe.........


I shot up from the bed and gasped for air panting. I frantically look around, panicking. I felt something grab my shoulders, I turn to face whatever grabbed me. I turned face to face with a concerned looking Mark. His mouth was moving but I didn't really hear anything. Slowly I could start hearing him talk.

"Jack? Jack it's okay, I'm over here..." He wipped the tears away, that i didn't even know that was on my cheeks. "Calm down, breathe with me okay?" He said grabbing my hand and placing it on his chest. "In, and out.... In, and out..." He repeated for a couple more times until my breathing finally calmed down.

He smiled and pulled me in for a hug. I burried my face in the crook of his neck. I hugged him tighter, I felt safe with Mark... I smiled in content. "Same bad dream?" Mark asked rubbing smoothing circles on my back. "Mhm..." I hummed in response.

"Hey..." Mark said before pulling away from our comfortable hug. "You're safe now, I'll be right here if anybody becomes an ass to you again, you know that right?" He placed his hand on my cheek.

I giggled and leaned into the touch. "Yeah, I know." I replied. "Good." He said before leaning in and kissing me softly, I kissed him back.


I opened my eyes. I sat up on my bed, I placed my hand on the spot next to me. It felt cold. A tear slides down my cheek. I hug my legs to my chest and sob. I grab my phone and checked the time. 2:38 am.... I unlock my phone and saw Mark's contact on my screen. More tears slide down my face remembering that my dream was made up. It was all in my head....


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