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6:14 pm, June 3 2020, I looked at my watch.

It's been 3 hours since the plane flew from Manila to Sydney, and since it's non stop, I'll be stuck here for the next 13 hours or more. Welp, it looks like someone's back is going to ache after this flight.

It's not my first time riding a plane alone tho, I've been travelling outside of the Philippines since 16 when Tita told me that a friend of hers in Chicago needs someone to walk in the runway wearing the cloth they designed. It was a pretty fun experience, after the runway show some designers offered me to be their main visual, that was really amazing because they were famous designers and being picked by them is a huge honour but I need to focus on my studies so I said no.

During the flight, all I did was sleep, read, and sleep again. Since I can't use my phone for texting or updating Sofie or Tita Georgie my flight was boring. After 12 hours sitting on the plane, doing nothing, My back is now starting to ache. Thank god there's only 1 hour left!.

"This is your pilot speaking, We are currently preparing for landing, current time in Sydney is 7 am June 4 2020. Cabin crew, please take your seats." The plane landed smoothly which made me feel less anxious now that we are on the ground. As soon as I stepped out of the plane, entering the airport I saw Tita Georgie immediately.

"Oh my gosh! look at how tall you are right now," she hugged me. "How was your flight?"

"It's fine, but my back hurts a bit" I smiled shyly

"Ohh is that so? Then come, let's go for a spa," she grabbed me by the arm

"Spa would be lovely!" I giggled out of excitement. She took me to a private salon where no one was there but us only. The salon looked so elegant, marble tiles with a small aquarium full of cute fishes. It took us 2 hours to get out of the salon with my back now relaxed and our face fully pampered.

"I know you're hungry, where would you want to eat?" Tita asked me.

"I've been craving for spicy foods since yesterday." I didn't have much time to eat on the plane lately that's why I'm still hungry.

"I know a wonderful cook here who serves spicy Italian foods" a bright smile was formed on her face

"Oh my gosh, let's go there!." We both hurried to the restaurant Tita Georgie said, while she was telling her driver to drive quickly I texted Sofie

[Im in Sydney already]

[Didn't ask]

[Oh gosh I'm sorry!
this text was for Nanya]

[Who the hell is Nanya, Aadi?!]

[Nanya business:>]

[HA HA, what a common joke, funny ka:)... I didn't miss you tho]

I didn't reply since I know na may pahabol yang sasabihin

[But since you're my best friend, I'm gonna say this. Take care, don't starve yourself, sleep well, Love you!<33]

[Yes I won't starve myself,
Love you too]

I smiled at her text, thinking how wonderful it would be if she's here with us, Oh gosh, I miss her already.

The car stopped at a fancy restaurant called 'piccante ma delizioso' which means 'spicy but delicious' in Italian. After ordering loads of foods Tita and I had a small chitachat about what happened. I told her everything and she seemed proud of what I've done, which made me proud too of course.

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