Great Comebacks Part 1

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Them: Bitch.
You: call me a b*tch again i dare you.
Them: Bitch
You: That's right b*tches do what their told.

Roses are red. Violets are blue. God made us beautiful. What the f*ck happened to you?

Tough guy: I can't believe your still a Virgin! HAHAHAHA
Other Guy: I was a Virgin until last night
Tough guy: As if!
Other guy: Yeah man just ask your sister
Tough Guy: I don't have a sister???
Other Guy: You will in about 9 months

Me: "Dude, I got my first kiss!"
Friend: "Your mom doesnt count."
me: "Ya, but yours does."

Student: "would you ever punish me for something I didn't do?"
Teacher: "of course not."
Student: "good cause, I didn't do my homework..."

Me: *watching tv*
Parents: Turn Off that tv and read!
Me: *Turns on Subtitles*

Bully:"You know, you are what you eat"
Fat kid:"Maybe that's why you're such a dick"

me: I have a magic trick that'll make u forget ur gay.
friend: I'm not gay...
me: Told ya!
friend: ....dammit

Annoying girl: your ugly
Me: and your living proof that abortion should be legal

Teacher: Why are you late?
Student: I'm late?
Teacher: You missed an entire period.
Student: Are you telling me I'm pregnant?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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