Chapter I

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POV Maedhros

I feel the silmarill burn in my left hand and the heat all around me.
Even Though I am facilitated with this, because all the pain has already an end.

The Oath had destroyed my whole family, the pround house of the nolder and this not only once. All of my cousins died for it. Me and my brother had no real life. We were always faced with the fear that the Oath forced us to kill again.

We all died to soon. We should've lived forever.

I feel how my soul, or the pieces that I didin't lose after the Nirnaeth, fells apart from my body. My soul turns around once again and watches the remains of my body for one last time.

I float out off the crave and see my brother, who cries horibly and throws his silmarill through my soul, into the sea.


This was the first chapter.
And I can tell you one thing: It made me so happy to write again! 🥳

Noticed? I changed the "one" to "I" 🙃

Before I talk to much....

I hope you liked it! 😊☺

~HighQueen01 ❤

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