A day free

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-inks pov

I was shocked to see nightmare scared but I rememberd one of the creators telling me the story of dreamtale and what happened to nightmare I hugged him but he actually hugged me back i saw him holding back tears to not act weak,
I told him if he wanted to cry then he could cry no one is stopping him he burst into tears after i said that but i also sensed double the negativity he normally has and the thing I least expected his goop melted of and made him turn into a cute little skeleton with a purple outfit.

-A hour later-

After nightmare turned into his past self we can look around more aus with monsters running away so we went to epictale to hang out with the memer so we could have a laugh after what just happened we had a lot of fun but when we finally checked what time it was it was 10:30 pm and we said our goodbyes to epic and we went to nightmares castle i was sleepy and nightmare was already asleep a carried  him to his room i was to tired to change and fell asleep with him.

-In the morning-

I woke up to nightmare holding me in his sleep I was blushing so hard at that moment I tried to get up without waking him but failed because he was grabbing me tightly and he opened his eyes and I saw how much he blushed and let me go and we both got up and he went to take a shower and I changed into killers clothes because its the only clothes that fit me and when he finished showering and changing.

So ink the deal

Oh yea I forgot about that i actually wanted to hang out wuth blue and dream,
And I wanted to ask if you wanted  join me nightmare?
He agreed to come with me but it didn't go as I expected because when I entered nightmare was still out side and dream and blue didn't notice him when they jumped on me asking me stuff like "are you okay ink?!"and "How did you escape nightmare?!"

I tried to calm them down before letting nightmare enter which didnt work because dream said he saw or sensed nightmares presence.
And I had to show them nightmare so I brought him in actually I had to drag him in but when he entered dream started to tear it to see his brother in his past form,
Nightmare lied when he told them what had happened for him to be in that form the easy way to say it is that ink let out to much positivity which made his goop melt off.

They didn't think anything about it because they were to happy to see ink and nightmare (in his past form)
And they went out to eat because when we all stopped being happy or sad?
They noticed that we were starving so after we ate we went back home and watched a movie I didnt like the movie so I went to sleep in my room but I couldn't sleep because of dream and blue squealing about somthing so I went down stairs and asked them what that was all about, dream and blue were saying,"ink did you kn-"
And nightmare yelled "SHUT UP"
I said well I dont care anymore just shut up and let me sleep i said to them and went back up stairs,

-Nightmares Pov-

Well when we got to the star sanses house after going out to eat we watched a movie and ink left because he got bored of the movie and went up stairs to sleep when dream said "hey nightmare "
Yea?I answered
Do u like someone? Dream said with a smile
Y-yea why do you a-ask?
Who is it?dream said
Uh its...i-ink, I said already regretting it
Blue and dream looked and me and squealed saying "ink and nightmare sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g"

But they stopped when in came downstairs asking what had happened

Dream and blue ansered "Hey ink did you kn-"
At that moment i yelled "SHUP UP" because I didn't want ink to know that i liked him and I was glad to hear that ink was going back to sleep he also wanted us to shut up which we did,

When the movie ended I feel asleep and ...

-Dreams POV-

Well when we where watching the movie ink went back to sleep and nightmare fell asleep near the end of the movie so I wanted to be a good brother and put him in a bed with the help of blue we were able to put nightmare in inks bed were ink was already sleeping so they were sleeping together I thought it was so cute I took a picture and when to my room to sleep and blue did the same.

-In the morning-Inks POV-

Well I woke up to nightmare sleeping with me which I blushed to the sighting of him next to me but again I didn't want to wake him so I stayed there till he woke up,
But it didnt work because God damn DREAM came in and woke him up while looking and me grinning at that moment i wanted to strangle him because I already knew it was him, HE PUT NIGHTMARE HERE but nightmare woke up to see me next to him which made him blush and jump out of the bed so I could get up and the first thing i did was to chase dream around the whole house but nightmare was also pissed at dream but he was calmer and stopped me from chasing dream
And made me freeze when he started to hold my hand i blushed and froze at that moment i also saw him covering his face and said "p-please c-calm down i-ink" and dream was tearing up and said "my brother has finally growing up and  we both yelled "SHUT UP".

TBC and if your wondering what happened to blue he was like 👁👄👁 through all of it and 1050 thats pretty good im actually proud yay

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