the start

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God, why isn't it 5 o clock yet, Taylor says to themself. The day, better yet the week has been dragging on. Staring at my watch isn't helping. There is faint music playing in the background, the same 10 pop songs you here on the radio on repeat. I walk over to the corner of the room where a bunch of older cleaning supply's lean up against the wall and grab a broom. I've cleaned these floors more times than I can count today, but I have to look productive OTHERWISE I'm sure the manager will complain. I glance down at my watch. Oh look, another minute has passed. So glad I checked... I'm at the point where I feel like each day just drags onto the next. As if each week is just one long day. But I guess that's just life. Fortunately I found some dirt on the ground to keep me occupied an attempt to get the dirt across the building to the pile I been working on all week. While I try to make the best of things I hear my egotistical co worker coughing and spraying her germs everywhere. I'm no germaphobe but pretty sure her cough is on a time cycle like these songs. She's about 5'1" slim with tan skin and brown eyes. She has short hair and has that I'm to cool for school look about her. She's not very fund of me, then again, no one really is.

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