the drive

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The rain is piercing my windshield like arrows, as if it wants so dearly to get in. My cars windshield wipers aren't the best. I seem to have to max them out just to get the same results as a new car on low. But I can't complain, I should be happy I even have a car. Since the government changed over, things have been... A bit different. People wanted equality but in returned got a half way attempt of it. What the government decided was best is to issue everyone a number. It's somewhat like a social security number and a game of bingo had sex then out pops your baby number. With this number it tells you your destiny. An with destiny I mean your status symbol. But, luck was on my side and received a number high enough to get the lowest of the low of a vehicle. The vehicle they issue looks like the same car you drew in 3rd grade. Yup, nice and rectangular. They also seemed to think the color brown was back in style for cars cause that's what you get. I watch as the rain water seeps through the gap on the driver side window and plummets to my leg. It feels so cold and yet warming in a way. As if it's happy to be in car with me. As if it's happy to be alone with me.

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