the store

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I pull up to the store and put the car in park. I believe it used to be a Publix since I can still see the giant "P" under the dim lit sign that says "Store".The store is actually called... "Store" since the government didn't want branded things. I turn off the ignition and watch the rain drip down my windshield. In the distance there is a woman walking towards the store at a fast pace. I open the car door and get out and immediately sink into a puddle of water. 99% of the roads are shit. They decided they didn't want to continue to fix the roads and just left them be. I sigh and continue forward. So much water has gotten into my shoes that it feels like they are sponges. With each step it's an explosion of water shooting between my toes. I jog to the front door and swing it open. A loud TING noise echoes in the store from the bell the door hits when it's opened. The flooring is a piss yellow tile with black marks and scuffs through it. Im sure at a time it was white but over the years it just turned into the color of smoker's teeth. There's a faint smell of musk and mildew with people quietly talking in the distance. The store itself is laid out the same as you would think any shop to be. Each aisle has a board hanging down saying what each aisle has to offer. However, what the signs say is exactly what's in the aisle. If you want cereal your choices are just cereal. If you want cookie's, you just get cookies. I miss the taste of having diversity... I grab the things I need and head to the check out. The cashier is a large balding man that's holding on to the last few hairs he has left. His shirt is stained and looks like the tile floors have been cleaned more recently then his shirt. I set my items on the belt, it makes a loud errrrrr sound as the belt moves forward. The cashier glances up at me, as he's about to say something he stops. We are locking eyes with each other. He has a puzzled yet intrigued look on his face. He open his mouth about to say something and then I hear the bell from the door being swung open.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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