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 S E C O N D   P O V  ——————————-

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S E C O N D   P O V

silence, that's all there was for quite a while. techno continued on with his game, you- however had stopped, processing what he had just said.

"i'm serious, y/n." he said, surprisingly soft. "let me make you a deal. okay? and just- hear me out."

"i dunno tech." you sighed, finally returning to the game.

"no- listen to me. break up with him. break up with him and let ME show you exactly how you deserve to be treated in a relationship. if you still think he's the one for you after that. i'll shut up about it and you can go to him again. if not, well- then you can finally go out and find someone who will treat you like that."

your breath hitched, and you looked at the screen. shellshocked. him? technoblade. he was going to treat you like his significant other. "i- i don't.. i don't know- techno i just."

"please. please just try. i'm sick of witnessing him treat you like this. makes me want to burn HIS house down. if only you weren't in it."

you laughed softly, nodding and taking a small breath. "okay- okay, deal."


"you're fucking kidding me." the male scoffed, looking down at you. it sent shivers down your spine, knowing that look.

"look jason, i just think-"

"no, shut the fuck up." he snapped, which made you flinch. jesus, you hated it when he was angry. and you knew he'd get angry- which is why you thought to call techno over. but, you know he lived about a 25 minute drive out- and you weren't expecting jason to be home this early. "you're just a lazy bitch, who sits around with the little fuckers on that stupid game. do you really think you have any grounds to break up with me?"

"what the fuck? do not talk about them like that and i don't want to be in this relationship right now! you just need to respect that!" you snapped back, not letting your fear make you cower.

"god do you hear yourself!? you don't want to be in a relationship? without me you're gonna be fucking lonely. because without me, you don't have a fucking life- because you're a loser. a nerd who plays games all day. you were before we met and you still will if you leave me. which you're not." he snarled.

"j-jason stop! you're acting psychotic right now!"

"shut up, literally just stop whining and get dressed. god, do you listen? we're going out because clearly you've sat on your ass too long that you forgot who you belong too."

before you could retaliate, a familiar voice cut in, shoes tapping on the hardwood floor. "that's enough. she doesn't belong to anyone, and she fucking said she didn't want to be with you."

your boyfriend turned around, face fuming. "who the fuck are you? her little side bitch?" jason bit out, glaring at him.

"no, but you're be lucky because if i was," he stepped forward again, glaring right back at him. "you would've been outta the picture a while ago." he finished, standing straight up- seemingly looming over him.

"whatever. i don't even care if you were cheating on me. i was already seeing max behind your back anyways. you're so fucking dense it's baffling, honestly." he hummed at you, turning and leaving.

as soon as the door shut, techno let out a breath and turned to you- but your knees had already hit the ground and the tears were already falling. it had been years on and off. and each time he admitted to cheating but you really though he changed. "oh- shit." he muttered, confused on what to do, comforting was out of his hands.

"th- the things he fuckin' s-said. techno. god that little- fuck. i can't believe-" you managed out, trying not to break down in front of him. "i'm sor'y i don't mean t' be all- all emotional while you're here."

he hesitantly crouched down next to you. "can- uh.." he cleared his throat, making you look up at him, teary eyed. "can i touch you? like huh you? or, somethin'? heard thats supposed to help-" you giggled through the tears at his attempt, and you found it endearing. so you nodded, already leaning into his space. his hands came around you, one at the back of your head, keeping you pressed to his chest to cry and the other resting on your back, thumb tracing shapes absentmindedly.

"now listen. after you're good here, you're gonna go throw some clothes on, and i'm taking you out. and we're not thinkin' about that sack of shit for the rest of the day, understand?"

"yeah. thank you.."

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