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S E C O N D  P O V———————————

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S E C O N D  P O V

"i'm ready.." you smile softly, your long-time friend looking you up and down before looking away and clearing his throat.

"you look... less bad than others." you blink once. twice, before bursting out in laughter. he can't be serious?

"oh my god- listen in know you're not good with social situations but, surely you know how to compliment people better than that?" you teased, crossing your arms.

the state you got in return, did in fact show that he did not. "you're kidding. you don't know how to flirt a little bit?" another blank stare, that really said all you needed to know. "jesus, techno. here, put this in the deal-"

"what, are we doing a fuckin' contract now? what is this? p.s. i love you "i only surround myself with toxic/ incapable of flirting edition?" he retaliated, with a bare hint of a smile.

"well- that doesn't sound bad." you thought out loud before turning to him with a devilish grin on your face. "wait, so you're admitting you watch cheesy fake dating rom coms?"

"i can neither confirm nor deny that statement-"

"this is going on twitter oh my lord, what a blood god-" you wheezed out.

"no- you're not postin' that. please." he settled, before sighing. "about this whole thing. you're not really about to make me sign an arrangement are you?"

"well no, but we do need to set ground rules."

"reasonable." he nodded, shrugging a bit. "alright, into the notes app."

"yeah- so. clearly we're not gonna get too physical. so that's number one."

"mmhm, number two- no contact with him. i'm not gonna let him manipulate his way back into your life, again." you shot him an offended look, furrowing your eyebrows. "don't give me that. you know he has the ability to do that. an' it's nothing on you, okay?"

looking down at your phone, you nodding- letting out a small breath. "you're right. yeah.. yeah i can- i can do that."

he nodded, slightly smiling at you. "you can. i know you can."

"okay, next rule. this should benefit us both, so i'll guide you on how to woo a girl- the best i can." you said with a grin, watching him roll his eyes. "c'mon, please?"



"techno-" you wheezed, looking down at the ice cream he managed to drop on the side walk. "techno- how the fuck did you manage that, honestly." you choked out between your laughs.

"yeah yeah, keep laughin' at my pain. i paid good youtube money for that." he said looking down at it with a small frown. "i got no ice cream now. i blame you."

"me!? no- that was all you techno."

"you made me laugh! therefore it's all your fault. simple maths."

"maths! oh my god, give it up for your english major dropout everybody-"

"okay first you make me drop my ice cream, laugh at me for it- now you're bullying me for droppin' out- listen i don't think this relationship is gonna work out."

"stop- stop i can't breath please." you gasped out, holding your stomach: "techno- please just genuinely stop fucking talking, oh my buddha-"


"techno- please."


"just tell me where we're going-"

"do you not know what a surprise is?"

"just tell me- please?"

"no." he laughed, looking over and smiling at you slightly. "you'll see when we get there, nerd." he huffed, crossing your arms.

"dick." you said, though he knew you were offended. if the faint smile still lingering on your red face had wasn't enough to tell.

"we're almost there anyways. just be patient."

"what ever you say, techno."

after a bit of a drive, technoblade parks the car. looking around, there's only grassy areas and no buildings. "techno? what-"

"don't question it. just get out and follow. it's worth it i promise." you sigh, nodding and unbuckling, stepping out of the car. he leads you a little ways away, down the grassy hill.

"no way!" you beam, immediately grabbing his wrist and dragging him down to the tiny abandoned park- really only consisting of a set of two swings, a roundabout and a single slide.

dashing to the swing set, technoblade attached your hand- following close behind, you laugh softly stopping just at it. "techno this is so awesome!" you breathed out, looking over at him.

"it's- not a big deal, really. i found it a while ago and i come here often to just.. sit and think, yanno?" he said, hands in his pockets and looking down- shrugging softly. when he did look up slightly, he just scoffed. "quit starin' you're actin' like this is.. the most romantic thing anyone's ever done."

"that- techno... that's cause it is."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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