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P.O.V. Narrator (Third Person)
Rehearsal after rehearsal, they only had one more day to prepare. Everything was looking good thanks to the help of their brains.

Daichi huddled everyone together so that he could make a speech.

"Okay guys, this is our last day to practice, let's do this!" Daichi exclaimed.

"Yes sir!!" Everyone yelled confidently.

Dispersing the crowd, Suga came out to chat with Daichi.

"Daichi! To set the scene of part --- I was thinking that we could light candles around the stage. Don't you think?"

"That's not a bad idea, we can do that!"

Setting the stage, everyone stationed in their places for the last rehearsal.


"Let's wrap it up here, well done guys, get a good night rest for tomorrow."


They all packed their things and headed towards the Sakanoshita Market. Daichi was going to treat them to pork buns! He came out and passed the bag around to eat their food. "THANK-YOU FOR THE FOOD!" The Karasuno Volley Club started to munch on their food. They finished their pork buns and left to get a good nights rest.

The cold air passed each strand of hair as Hinata rode down the road. "I'm going to be a great Capulet!"

Then and there Yachi's warm smile popped up. His heart skipped a beat. Immediately he hit the breaks and placed a hand on his heart.

"What was that?"

Confused, he started to pedal home to get some shut-eye.


"Good morning everyone! Let's try our best today. Remember what we've been practicing!"


Everyone set up the props and things needed for scene I. There wasn't much to put up as they prepared before hand. Once they finished they changed into their costumes and did a quick run through of their scripts.

The hall was being filled with students flowing from each entrance. Everyone gathered behind the curtains to get a peek at the crowd. As Yachi went to open the curtains, it grabbed Hinata's hand. *Ba-bump*

"O-oh, Sorry Hinata!"

"It's fine, Yachi."

"In your positions guys, we're on in 5!"

Everyone scattered to get ready for scene I.


"So far so good!"

It was time for the famous balcony scene. Kiyoko stood tall waiting for Tanaka's lines. The stage was lit up with candles and flowers were scattered across the floor. Music was playing softly. And the fragrance was... Burnt?

Kiyoko started to notice the unpleasant smell in the air.


The flames started to get noticeable as it started eating away at the balcony. Thankfully Kiyoko got out in time. The crowd screamed getting up from their seat.

They started to evacuate the hall.


Hinata looked up at the balcony. Yachi? The flames were getting closer to her. The structure was still standing but it wouldn't be for long.


She looked down to see a ginger boy flailing his arms around.


She was hesitant taking a few steps forward. The flames came closer towards her. She stepped back.

"I CAN'T!"


Hearing those words gave her a sense of security. She walked backwards and ran full speed ahead to the edge. She closed her eyes just missing the flames.




"You can open your eyes Yachi."

There she was in the hands of Hinata. She was getting off of him but he ran outside the hall like a bullet. Yachi had a bruise on her cheek and an open cut on both her knees. On the other hand the team was putting the fire out with buckets of water.

"Hinata! I can walk there myself!"

"It's ok Yachi! I'll take you there! I want to anyway!"

A faint shade of pink became visible across her face. A few minutes of running and they arrived to the clinic. The nurse bought out some oil for the bruises and patched it up.

"You're all done!"

"Thank-you some much!"

"No worries, it's all thanks to your boyfriend. If he hadn't run here as fast as he could, your cut would've been infected."

"O-oh! U-uh, H-h-he's not m-my boyf-friend-d."

"Y-yeah, that's r-r-right!"

All became silent and the couple looked like tomatoes. The silence was eating them alive so they took their leave. They walked down the hallway side by side. Hinata took her hand and placed them in his. 

"Never do that again, promise me?"

The petite girl smiled to herself.

"Alright, Hinata."

She patted his head. His face was flushed and they walked back with hand in hand.


This makes no sense but ok :))

Sorry for such a late update, been busy with school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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