Chapter 3

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(A/N. I will stop doing Chapters called not a Chapter and I will just put updates at the end or beginning of the latest Chapter, Enjoy)

The next day went a bit different, everyone was confused why Issei and I were talking like friends and his two pervert friends were even more confused when Issei joined me instead of them he told them he was done with the weird stuff and he said he more important stuff to do than to be a pervert. We ended up talking a lot, we decided to go on another ID run much to Issei's dismay and we both noticed a certain Nekoshou watching us, he eyes widened when she first saw us both, I found that funny.

Koneko's POV

After tailing Issei and Lucifer for most of the day, I returned to the club room "Koneko, I assumed you all felt their growth?" we all nodded to Rias "not only has Issei unlocked his Sacred Gear, it's a Longinus and Lucifer has also grown in strength and Issei has, it seems Lucifer at least knows of Sacred Gears" we all nodded and I sat down and started eating some snacks, a few hours passed and that's when it happened, we all felt a Magic Signature behind the club room door, we all jumped back to Buchou's desk and got into combat stances before two bodies came flying through the doors, crashing into the couches and table, destroying them, the White-haired one picked his Brother up and shuck him a lot "Issei wake up damnit!!" he shouted, Issei awoke quickly and stood up on his own two feet both facing the door, their clothes pretty much completely destroyed, it caused Rias to blush and Akeno to giggle, Lucifer had a sword In his hand and held his hand up to the broken doors, Issei had a red gauntlet on his left hand, he slipped into a loose stance, his fists raised "where is that armoured bastard?" Issei asked and Lucifer shrugged "maybe it's too big to get into this place, I believe we're at Kuoh Academy, remember the bastard punted us into our classroom, this Boss is bullshit!" he shouted out again "I don't have much in me anymore," Issei said "I'm cold too" Issei whined, "shut up Issei we do not have time to worry about our semi-naked status, we have more pressing matters right now!" Lucifer shouted back "wait Lucifer do you hear that?" Issei asked "wait those are birds chirping," Lucifer said, they both turned to each other "that last attack fucking killed him!" they both jumped shouting celebrations "I so thought we were going to die, I know 500 Zombies, 5 big hulking zombies as mini-bosses and the big boss was a fucking armored giant with a fuck-off big sword" they both sat on the floor and Lucifer took 5 potions with red liquid in them and passed three to Issei, he drunk two and Issei drunk three "where are we?" Issei asked and both started looking around, their eyes landed on us and both froze, we all heard Lucifer whisper to Issei "Issei you remember I told you about Devils?" Issei nodded slightly "there is an entire Peerage in front of us, the Rias looks pissed we broke her clubroom" Issei shivered "I have a plan, I am faster than you and them, you run, I will distract them you run" Lucifer didn't get to say anything else since Issei just got up and bolted "you motherfucker, you didn't wait for my single!" Lucifer shouted before he jumped up to his feet, we all heard a distant "sorry!" Lucifer grumbled and turned to us "hello classmates" he gave us a wave "you see I am not here, you all having a dream together, there is a big bad monster attacking Kuoh and its puts Devils, specifically Devils into a dream together" I deadpanned "you honestly expect us to believe that?" I asked and he smiled before he simply disappeared from his spot, Kiba eyes went wide "that speed!" Rias looked at him with a wide-eyed expression "wait he didn't teleport?" Kiba shuck his head "I was barely able to keep track of him but he did just bolt out of the room faster than most of us can see" I sighed "tomorrow's going to be awkward" Akeno commented "but now we know Issei and Lucifer know about Devils and we can assume they also know Sona and that her peerage are Devils" I nodded and looked at the door, what now?

Lucifer's POV

You are all probably quite confused as to what the fuck just happened, let me fill you in, me and Issei went into the next Zombie Dungeon when we got home, we had to kill 500 Zombies then a mini boss which was 15 of those big bulky zombies which were called, Zombie Brawlers when I actually observed them and the boss was the problem and the thing that messed us up was a Zombie Knight, around 11ft tall in some huge Armor that was pure black, two glowing red eyes and a Sword that was around 10ft long, it absolutely destroyed us, me and Issei had to adapt to his insane strength and speed, he was faster that me and Issei and stronger than Issei with all of his boosts, neither of us could dent his Armor at first, we got lucky and lured it to a gas station then blew it up with it in it, it eventually forced us to Kuoh Academy and we ended up at the ORC, then I remembered a piece of loot we had gained, I blasted the Zombie with as much as I could and then used the item drop to escape the Dungeon letting Issei think I killed which I didn't, it had 10000Hp that attack did about 2000Hp and it was everything I had left, all of my Sp and Mp, I shot a super powered Magic Missile through several Speed Boost Effect Circles and it hit that Knight head on and did 2000 fucking damage which is bs.

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