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[november 7, 2020]

so! today, joe biden was announced as the 46th president of the united states of america. and in short, i'm so happy i don't even know how to begin to describe it. i remember when hillary lost in 2016. i remember feeling so hopeless and lost. for 4 years poc, women (specifically poc women), LGBT's have had our rights under constant attack. but now we actually have a president that will not tolerate and fuel hatred, division, and violence. i'm so happy to have a president that believes in black lives matter. i'm so happy to have a president that believes in my rights. with that being said, we still have SO much more work to do. but i believe that we can finally have an actual change in america. so, keep signing petitions, keep protesting, keep educating yourself on injustice everywhere because the fight isn't over, it's just beginning.
anyways, in the words of our KING harry edward styles:
"just stop your crying it's a sign of the times."


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