Dark power part 5

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Yeah with enough because of course you can blow off a giant centipedes arms basically at the joint so from his upper elbow his arms are on the floor and from his lower elbow to shoulder are still connected.

That would've been really bad if NixRay Took the blast full on

Also Brim and Nixblow I know unconscious on the floor meaning ,Nixsus Group of Terry Nix-tok and Unity can change them back and Nixsus can't help his brother fight Vex


Vex has a limited amount of elemental magic to rely on since I figured Naga nix I would figure out how to release his own bubble and just take one of elemental weapons and just start freeing The elements from the dark influence and turning them back to normal since they're stuck in bubbles.

I wasn't sure I was hoping maybe  nixpito can show off his abilty I told you before

And nixsus discovers his at some point with the circlet

Well Nixsus can do it now if you want maybe because his boyfriend got messed with and lost some arms?
Because Nixsus Is really possessive of them


What does Nixsus New form going to look like?

Im not sure about  in detail yet

I know  his outfit in that form is going to be mostly  light blue and beach colors

Parts of the outfit are gonna have transparent blue lives to them and  both of nixsus eyes are gonna be bkiue instead of one

and how did you want Nixptio to make a reappearance in the room?

I was thinking maybe somthing like nixpito gets over worried about terry and decides to  back fight to protect terry and the others tell him to stop brut nixpito says he can't wait he's gonna help terry do to his love for Terry

Did you what Nixsus and the rest the group will probably look over in the direction of NixRay and Dr.peed since that was an explosion that just blew them back and when the dust clears they'll probably see what happened to them .

And maybe Nixsus Will run over to help while Terry goes to try and distract Vex i'm going over there and finishing NixRay and Dr.peed off

Yes that will work

And unity and Nix-tok can deal with the unconscious Brim and Nixblow by changing them back using the weapons they still have with them I think it was the water sword?  And not the wind sword with the other sword

yes that will works

And then halfway through Naga nix Rescuing the elemental Nixels  Nixpito decide to run back into the courthouse to try and help terry

And NixRay and Nixsus  ,Nixpito can finally defeat Vex?


Dr.peed coughs at the smoke that's filling the air around them from were they hit the wall .

Dr.peed says you mustn't give up your majesty dr.peed  out stretches his remaining hands towards NixRay And cast is healing spell with as much of his remaining magic that he can muster after a few minutes some of the ones in major damage done to NixRay have disappeared .

Dr.peed says well shaking a bit fearsome King NixRay I believe that you and everyone else in this room can finish off Vex and snap them back to their senses I would help you out but I'm just not a fighter sigh please just finish this.🤕🩸💉🧪🥺

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