Part 1 New School

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Y/n pov

I had been arguing with my parents for the last few weeks after they found out I was gay.


I was at home in my bedroom making out with some girl who kept following me around calling me cute, I know kinda stalkerish but whatever. basically stalking me so I brought her back to my house my parents wouldn't be home till later it was currently 2:34. I was skipping my last 2 periods to get laid then I heard my front door open but thought nothing of it since my parents were at work or so I thought. this girl and I had gotten really heated I was in the middle of fingering her when my bedroom door flew open. I jumped up and took my fingers out of her my parents were standing in the doorway yelling while the girl was putting her clothes back on. after she left my parents scolded me about how they didn't raise me to be a gay faggot and that got my blood boiling there was practically steam coming out of my ears while we were all yelling at each other. I guess we were really loud because someone knocked on the front door my mom went to go answer it. I went to go wash the girl's cum off my fingers and see it was the police. after I washed my hands I started packing my shit I was not staying in this house with them tonight. I got out of the room with a bag and drove to my best friend Amber's house.

~end of flashback~

so here we are today November 5, 2020, in Amber's bedroom watching Good Trouble on Hulu. "Hey, are you ready to go see your parents again?" Amber asks getting up. "Why are you tryin' to get rid of me now?" I ask with a small grin on my face. "No I just don't like it when you fight with your parents." we get up and walk out the room and to the kitchen and continue you talking."I was thinking about leaving today so yeah"I say grabbing a Sprite from the fridge."Ok. but first, let's watch one more episode of Good Trouble" "Ok come on and grab some Takis while you're over there" I say while making my way back up the stairs with a Sprite and Skittles in my hand. I made it into the room and flopped on the bed as if I haven't slept in years. Amber comes back in with Takis and an Orange Fanta n her hands along with some Skittles and M&M's. I've packed all my stuff and took a shower.

I got home and unlocked the door thinking everything would be fine and my parents would've calmed down with our time apart. Oh, boy was I wrong...

I walked in and my mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner and my dad was sitting on the couch watching football with a beer in his hand."Oh, look who finally decided to come home"My mom says while chopping some carrot for what I assume to be a soup."I'm sorry that you don't support me but just because you don't like who I'm dating or kissing doesn't mean I'm gonna change everything for you because you don't like that"

my mom sighs" well at least we won't have to deal with this any longer" my dad says. I look at him confused then turn my attention back to my mom as she starts speaking "we're sending you to Holly Hope All girls Academy" she said casually, finally looking up from the cutting board and at me."What no I don't want to go!"I yelled "You're going and that's final go pack your things young lady!" my dad said. I ran up to my room screaming and throwing things when I got inside and slammed the door. an hour later I was finally done packing my stuff and I drew and painted all over the walls out of spite.

The next morning November 6, 2020.

My mom came in turning the lights on and told me to get ready for the plane ride to L.A. where the school was. I got dressed and my mom and dad drove me to the airport. the car was silent except for the low playing radio in the background. the car was full of known tension.

when we got there my parents walked me to the boarding station my mom handed me a sealed envelope with the word "Directions " written on it I nodded then gave her a hug knowing she didn't want to send me here I simply walked past my dad and on to the plane leaving my former home Madison, Wisconsin.

"Bye"I hear my mom faintly call out sadly but I don't say anything and keep walking instead.

Yeah, yeah she didn't care that much dumb bitch

the flight was hours long and I was asleep for most of the time until I was awakened by the pilot saying we would be landing in a few minutes I woke myself up and went to the bathroom after I was back I waited less than 5 minutes and was heading off the plane I looked at the directions in the envelope my mom gave me it said to look for a man in a black hat with the name Greg on it.

I find the man and he takes my suitcases and walks me over to a limo. he opens the door for me and I get in and after what seems like an hour or two we arrive in front of a big school building but it looks like a castle. Greg opens the door for me and I step out he helps me carry my bags to the administration room then leaves (peace out).

Well you could've said good bye

"Hi" I say to the presumably Headmistress of this Hell Hole "Hello" she says.

Bitch why are you smiling it's the middle of the day and you're in a school full of bratty teenage girls fix your attitude

"I'll have somebody show you around the school here is your dorm key and your schedule." she says handing me a key and a paper with my schedule, locker and dorm number on it. She called some girl's name to come down to the office I wasn't paying attention until a beautiful girl walked in with silver/gray hair, blue eyes and beautiful plump lips. I want her.

"Hi I'm Billie" she says while extending her hand.

"Hi I'm Y/n" I said shaking her hand.

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