Watching a horror movie

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Luke: Luke was the one lying on top of you as the two of you watched the horror movies. you were more of the thriller horror girl and whilst Luke didn’t want to admit it he was more of the chilled out drama guy. Your legs were entwined and Luke’s arms were around you and altogether you two looked like a giant mess but it was surprisingly comfy. You could feel his heart pacing against your back but honestly you found the movie a complete bore. With ever obvious jump scare he’d flinch a little and with every scare he’d pull you closer than before and cuddle you as if you were a teddy bear- strategically so that he was holding you in a way that you were comfy but also so that half his sight was blocked. Luke seemed to be into it so instead you diverted your attention to him. His hand dangled in front of your face so you grabbed it and pulled it closer to you. your fingers scaled his fingers and glided along each one, shivering as you hit the coldness of the ring he wore on his pinky. Then you put your hand flat on his to compare the size and when you started gliding your fingertips along the veins of his wrist you didn’t know that you were discreetly turning him on until he flicked off the TV, rested his head on your shoulder and whispered,

“Do you just wanna make out instead?”

And this happened every time you two tried to watch a horror movie because he got too scared and you weren’t interested 50% of the time. 

Michael: “Are you okay?”Michael teased as he chucked a pillow at you from the other side of the couch. "Yes, fuck off,"You replied, throwing it back. After the first few nights of watching horror movies with Mikey you decided it was safest to stay as far away from him as possible because whenever the movie got too silent or the music picked up, meaning suspense, he’s jolt your waist with his hands on either side making you scream like a little girl. He’d laugh but you wanted to get him back so bad so when it was your turn to choose the movie you chose a horror one that you had already seen which meant that you knew where all the scary bits were. 

"Aw baby," Mikey started as he advanced on you. you stopped him with you foot in his face and continued the silent treatment. "I’m sorry I promise I won’t scare you anymore. Can we cuddle please? Pwease?" 
you turned your face only slightly to see him pouting at you like a child so you gave in and let him crawl into your arms as you placed your legs over his legs. This was all part of you plan because when the scary lady came out of nowhere you nudged Mikey’s shoulders and yelled “boo!” At the same time she did causing mikey to completely jump up and fall behind the couch. 
"I didn’t know you could move that fast!" You laughed as you clutched your stomach. 
"Shit I nearly pissed myself!" mikey half laughed as he crawled back over and grabbed a pillow. "now you’re gonna need to cuddle me for good cause i’m scared as balls"

Calum: You were lying on Calum’s lap with a pillow covering a majority of your face and your legs curled up in a ball because you were scared that if you out stretched them a monster would grab you and pull  you away. The music was getting suspenseful and Calum was slightly laughing at you fidgeting around in his lap. he would’ve been scared too but honestly he was too distracted with you squirming around. Suddenly the jump scare finally happened and your body jolted as the lady in the movie screamed along side Calum who yelled and started laughing hysterically. 
"Shit Y/N that was my dick. You hit my dick. Why is your head so hard- geez," He wheezed as you picked your head off his lap and turned to face him. His face was all red and he rolled to the ground as if he had been shot in the stomach multiple times. 
"Calum i’m so sorry!" 
He raised one of his hands gesturing for you to give him a moment as he rolled around on the ground laughing in pain. you bent over and gave him a hug as he tried to scramble away from you whilst both of you laughed. 
"I’m never letting you sit in my lap ever again."
"Then how am I gonna finished this damn movie?" You giggled as you helped him up and let him sit on the couch. 
"Well I didn’t say we couldn’t cuddle?"

Ashton: “ASHTON I’M SO SCARED!” you squealed as you turned around and started climbing him like a spider. He giggled in the way he does as you smoothly maneuvered yourself so that you were behind him and he was basically sitting on you.

"Now how the heck did you manage to do that?" He chuckled as he tilted his neck to look at you. 
"Adrenaline and horror movies does crazy things to me, Iriwn," you replied as you kept one eye on the movie and one eye behind him.
"Well now i’ve got nothing to hold onto!"
"boohoo," you mocked as you rolled your eyes and focused on the movie. Horror movies were kind of a love hate thing for you because they scared the shit out of you but at the same time you loved the adrenaline. As for Ash, he enjoyed them and often had a good laugh. 
"Well if something gets you from behind how am I supposed to protect you then, huh?" He smartly told you as he waited for you to react with a smirk on his face. You looked behind you and upon seeing the dark kitchen you quickly pushed Ashton off you and waited for him to sit down again before curling into his lap like a child. 
"There ya go baby girl this is better," Ash comforted as he swung the blanket over you and cuddled you nice and tight. Your legs were curled up and you had his arms to lean against and the blanket in case another scary face popped up and of course the warmth of Ashton’s body against yours and so immediately you felt safe especially when you’d flinch and Ash would calm you down again by pecking your cheeks or quickly kissing your nose and forehead.

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