You're tall

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(Y/f/n) = your friends name


"Is she almost ready?" Ashton asks your mom. You’ve been getting ready for prom for a while and he’s sure you’re going to be late for your dinner reservation. 
“Yeah she should be out now” your mom tells him, though it doesn’t really calm him down. You put on your shoes and start walking down the stairs. You smile at Ashton’s expression. He is lost in your body. You walk over to him and hug him. You hug your mom and you get into the car. 
“Ok we’re meeting Luke and (y/f/n) at the restaurant.”
You nod and continue to fiddle with the top of your dress. It’s strapless and it keeps falling down, especially since you’re so tall and there’s a lot of fabric to reach your toes. 
“You look really pretty” Ashton smiles at you before looking back at the road. 
“Thanks” you smile. You get to the restaurant and Ashton helps you out of the car. 
“(Y/n)!” You hear your friend shout. You run over and give her a hug. You give Luke a hug too. Ashton comes walking up behind you and hugs you from behind. 
“How did you run in heels?” Your friend asks you. 
“I’m not wearing any…” You drift off. You’ve always been kind of self conscious about your height and this wasn’t helping. 
“Oh…” She says awkwardly. 
“Well let’s go eat!” Luke suggests before leading us all into the restaurant. Right before you’re about to walk through the doors, Ashton pulls you back. 
“Did I tell you you look beautiful?”
You nod. 
“Well you know I like it when you don’t wear heels. It makes it feel like the real you. Like you’re the right height. I love how you’re tall.” He smiles. You weakly smile back at him. He leans in and kisses you.
“Did that help convince you?”
You nod. He grabs your hand and leads you into the restaurant.


You stand there looking in the mirror. You keep pointing out all your insecurities. The one that sticks the most in your head is your height. You’re 5’9” and you’ve always felt taller than every person you’ve ever met. You keep thinking that it makes you look manly because you’re so tall. 
“You’re perfect” you hear a whisper behind you. 
You turn around and see Michael standing there. A tear starts to drip out of your eye. 
“I like your height.” He smiles, knowing your insecurity. You just keep looking down. 
“Oh c’mon, (y/n), you’re like THE perfect height. See because I can hug you and you still have to go on tiptoes a little, but you don’t have to stand on a box or anything. And it makes you good at sports. You know I love watching you play volleyball, softball and basketball. And all those other sports you like to play with your friends. And you beat them too! Which just makes it more fun! See and when I hug you,” he walks up to embrace you, “your head fits right on my shoulder so you know it’s the perfect place to be if you need to cry or laugh. It’s perfect, (y/n). You’re perfect. I love how tall you are. And I love you.”
“I love you too Michael.” You say, leaning up to kiss him.


You stand there in the bar with all your friends. All these guys keep asking them to dance but no one wants to ask you, or at least, no one is. You kick off your heels and lean against the bar. The band stops playing and you hear the regular sound of a horribly remixed Lana del Rey song. You look up at the band and notice that one of them is looking at you. You blush and smile and look at the ground. You sit down and kind of slump over. One of your friends comes over and points out your posture. 
“I’m sorry I’m insecure about my height” you snap. 
“Geez sorry” she retaliates. 
You roll your eyes. All of your friends are considerably shorter than you and they don’t really realize how insecure you are. They think you feel tall and beautiful like all the models in magazines, but you feel exactly opposite. You feel less feminine because of it. It makes you insecure that you were roughly the same height as every single guy you’ve ever been with. You also can’t wear heels often because of this, so this is a rare occasion where you said ‘fuck it’ and wore them. You feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn around. It’s the guy from the band. 
“Hi. I’m Luke” he smiles at you. 
“(Y/n)” you reach out and shake his hand. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” He asks and you nod. After a long night of drinking and talking, he decides to walk you home. You look down at your shoes then look back at Luke. You realize that he’s like way taller than you and you smile, putting your heels on. You start to walk outside and he follows you. Once you get outside, he grabs your hand. You can’t help but smile. He’s a lot taller than you even with three inch heels. You start to stumble over yourself because you’re kind of tipsy so you take the shoes off and carry them in your free hand. You get to your house surprisingly fast and right as he’s about to leave, you pull him back into a kiss. He smiles. You bring him inside. You throw your heels on the ground and he kicks them away, he pulls you back in for another kiss and it starts to turn into more. 
The next morning, you wake up with your legs all intertwined with his. You flutter your eyes open and look over at him. 
“Good morning gorgeous.” He smiles. 
“Morning.” You smile. You still can’t believe you found someone so amazing.


"Ok you know the drill." He says, kissing you on the cheek and grabbing your hand. Michael opens the door to the tour van and you all walk outside. A sea of girls rush toward the boys and you get separated from Calum. You can still see all four of them because they’re so much taller than all these girls. You know the drill is just for you to stay where you are. You take pictures with the fans but you stay in the same spot. Calum can always spot you over everyone else because you’re about three inches taller than everyone else. You feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around and see a girl who is about your height. 
“How do you do it?”
“Look at all these short girls and think that you’re just a beautiful as them. I mean you’re like really pretty, but like how do you have the confidence?”
“Let me show you.” You smile, grabbing her hand and bringing her into the venue. You text Calum that you’re inside. Soon, the four boys come inside and see you two standing there. 
“Who’s this?” Calum asks, smiling. 
“This is Haley. I met her outside and I wanted to show her something.” You walk up and hug Calum. 
“Try it.” You smile at her.
She blushes and slowly walks over to Calum and hugs him. 
“Do you see?” You ask her, hopeful. 
She slowly nods. 
“Try the other guys.” You smile. 
She smiles ear to ear and blushes like crazy she walks up to and hugs Ashton, Luke, then Michael. 
She turns back to you. 
“See?” She nods again. 
“Do you guys mind if she watches the concert with me?”
They all agree and walk out on the stage for sound check. You take her backstage and decide to teach her how to play guitar. Calum had helped you perfect the art of guitar playing and you knew that long arms and fingers definitely helped out with playing. Calum and the guys come back and Calum smiles at you and asks you to talk to him outside the room. You leave Haley with the boys and walk outside. 
“That’s really nice of you to do what you did for Haley.”
You smile. 
“Why’d you chose her?”
“She talked to me about her height insecurity and I knew that being with you really helped me out with my insecurity so I figured you know, why not help her out. Plus I wanted to see her face when she got to hug you guys.”
He chuckles and smiles at you. “Plus you thought she’s look cute with Luke.” He pokes you. 
“Well maybe that too” you smile. 
Sure enough, when you walk back inside, Michael and Ashton are talking in the corner as Luke and Haley are laughing with each other. 
“Tall people must stick together!” You shout, attacking Haley and Luke on the couch.

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