Chapter 3-The night

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Kuroo's pov:
I walk slowly behind Kenma, my feelings broken down by him. Which I don't know why it hurts so bad. I mean other people did way worse then yell at me and called me things. But this....this really hurts me and I don't know why.
I click on my stats as I follow Kenma, still not understanding how we are in this game.
*beep, beep, bling*
Kuroo's stats:
Strength: 3
Intelligence: 4
Health: 85
???: ???
???: ???
I look at mt stats wondering what my last two stats are,
"Um Kenma?"
I asked breaking the silence,
"Do you know what the last two stats are?"
He cancels the map bringing his stats up,
*beep, beep, bling*
Kenma's stats:
Strength: 1
Intelligence: 5
Health: 43
"No it's blank for me too."
I glance down at his stats, surprised at how low his health is.
"Why is your health so low?"
He looks down, lifting his shoulders up.
"I don't know....maybe cause of that village..."
"Village? There was a village?"
He closes his stats and re-opens his inventory to grab the map back out.
"Yeah, they really don't like out siders I guess."
I nod, dropping the subject. I open my inventory seeing if I have anything to help with health. I scan my inventory bring out what I assume is an healing item thing.
"Does this help? With your healing?"
Kenma turns around, placing the cloth/bandage into his hands.
Kenma wraps it onto himself, then a green circle goes around him a loud
Surrounds us as the green disappears as fast it came. Kenma goes back to check his stats.
*beep, beep, bling*
"It went up 20 health."
A small smile creeps up on my face as Kenma brings up his map again, before we began moving he said a quiet,
"Thank you..."
Making my heart skip a beat from hearing how soft and quiet his voice was.
We continued on moving west, I glance around the forest. Realising how dark it's gonna be.
"Hey Kenma I think the sun's going down..."
Kenma looks up from his map and looked around, also not realizing how dark it's already is.
"Your right...hmmm"
He glances at the map, then walks over to my side showing it to me.
"We are about like 1/4th completed on the path. And I doubt we would be able to go through the path before night and I don't know if we can even continue during night."
I nod, thinking the same thing.
"So you want to set the night here?"
Kenma looks around,unsure.
"We might be able too..."
We walk a bit more into the path seeing a clearing onto our right, we start to set camp. Placing wood and sticks into a circle, putting rocks around them.
I move my head towards him,
"Do you have anything to light the fire?"
I open my inventory to find no flint,glass,rope, nothing. Kenma does the same both of us finding nothing.
We start to look around to see if there's anything that could start a fire....
*1 hour later*
Nothing....nothing...absolutely nothing...I look at Kenma worriedly. Another sneeze comes from him, I watch him shiver from the coldness.
"Are you sure your ok? I know you hate the cold..."
"I'm fine."
He said sniffling. I nod not convinced, I looked around night fully taking the sky. I place my hand on his shoulder,
"Lets go now..."
He nods, too tired to say anything. We started to walk back to our spot. Laying down on the grass like bed, I glance every once in awhile at Kenma. My worry growing higher and higher. I walk up to him taking my jacket off and placing it on him, I watch him quickly snuggle into it like a blanket. I smile lightly seeing Kenma like this. An idea strikes into my head, I blush at the thought.
I shake my head, removing the thought away from my mind. I lay back down my eyes moving to the sky. Slowly I close my eyes letting the darkness take over.

I open my eyes springing back up,
What the hell was that!
I look around the darkness not helping as I can barley see anything in front of me. I grab the nearest thing right next to me, a stick.....
Oh hell naw.
I try to shake Kenma awake to no avail. Sighing I look up hearing another sound, I attempt to wake up Kenma again to only hear a groan from him. Giving me the idea that he's gonna punch me if I try to wake him again. I look around trying again to see if I can see the thing that was making that sound. 
I stood up carefully walking around our camp. Not walking too far for just in case I need to get Kenma. After making a circle around our camp I walked back to our 'beds' still freaked and paranoid to even close my eyes. I sit wide awake carefully listening to our surroundings. Seconds turn to minutes and those minutes turns into hours. As more and more time passes by my eyes start to feel droopy, I push my self further still not wanting to fall asleep but I start to lose my battle as my vision became darker and blurry. As sudden as it came I fall onto the ground, my eyes fully closing. Turing everything pitch black...... nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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