Taeminkooks story

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*jungkook POV*
Ever since Hoseok Hyung and I went to this cafe two years ago, I've been going daily for the past two years. The cafe is run by Park Jimin and his husband Kim Taehyung. They are absolutely perfect for each other, when they look at each other both of their eyes sparkle, when Jimin Jumps into Taehyung's arms it's the most precious thing. I on the other hand, am just a by stander to their romance, I wish I could tell  Jimin and Taehyung I've had a crush on them for 2 years but their not even my soulmates. I've been 18 for five months now and still no soul mate Mark. Maybe I'm destined to be alone as I watch my soulmates love blossom.
Jimin's voice sounds concerned as he hands me my iced caramel Frappuccino. "Are you ok Kook?" Taehyung asks as he pulls up a chair beside me. "We're worried for you Kookie, you seem to have a lot on your mind lately, Taehyung and I can try and help you if you'd like." Jimin reached out and held my hand his eyes pleading me to tell him what was wrong, as I turned to face Taehyung he looked like he was prepared to comfort me. "Hyung's, if I tell you this please don't be mad." Taehyung got up from his seat and hugged me as Jimin rushed over to join the hug aswell." "Jimin and I could never be mad at you Kook, what's going on." I look at the cafes hard wood floor feeling my eyes begin to tear up, I take a deep breath in and tell my crushes my biggest secret. "I love you, both of you. I fell in love with Jimin two years ago when I came with my best friend for his birthday and Tae, I fell in love with you when Jimin introduced us. I know it's wrong because your married and I don't even have a soulmate Mark so we're probably not even soulmates." I was full on crying at this point, Taehyung had wrapped his protective arms around me and Jimin both. Jimin was lightly crying and held onto my hand with all his might. "We've loved you for a long time to Kookie." Taehyung nodded at Jimin's words and I could feel  myself begin to cry even harder.
Jimin and Taehyung's wrist began to light up, they both had roses for their soulmate Mark, the rose had two petals falling down. I felt my wrist lightly burning so I rolled up my hoodie sleeve and glanced at my wrist, I now had my soulmate Mark, a rose with 3 petals. All three of us stood there crying and enjoying each others embrace for a few minutes before Taehyung spoke up. "Jungkookie, Jimin and I would both be so happy if you were our boyfriend, would you like to go on a date with us sometime, maybe?" My eyes became huge at Taehyung's question and a huge smile spread across my face. "Of course! I would love to! I love you Hyungs." Jimin and Taehyung giggled then said in unison "we love you to Kookie."

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