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                                ESTELLA GAUNT HELD her breath, daring something, anything to break the silence and face her. She clutched her wand so tightly it was a wonder it hadn't splintered under the force, her once perfectly manicured nails now worn and digging into her palms harshly, only a thin layer of skin away from drawing blood.

Light from her spell spilled out, surrounding her, anxiety fading slightly now that she wasn't stood in a pitch black blanket of darkness.

Seconds passed, though they felt like hours, the maze stayed completely silent, taunting even, showing her her uneasiness was because of absolutely nothing. She let out a small sigh of relief, happy that her paranoia was just that, it must be her imagination.

It was short lived, however, the sound of twigs snapping behind had her turning on her heel so fast it almost gave her whiplash. She raised her wand defensively ,ready to go as far as kill if necessary. Her heart beat erratically in her chest against its cage, seemingly trying to free itself and take its chances outside her body as she held her breath in suspense.

"Who's there?" She called out, voice shaky and hoarse from lack of use, not at all the strong, authoritative tone she'd intended. Fear was slowly breaking away at her façade and leaving her vulnerable.

She hated it.

Cedric Diggory stepped out from the thick greenery into the light, his arms raised and wand cast aside, an indication he didn't want to fight. Small cuts rested atop his head, a light stream of blood trickled down his cheek and reflected crimson in the moonlight.

Estella let her tense shoulders relax a little, lowering her wand millimetres in the process. Even someone she'd considered a stranger brought her a sense relief in the moment, and even if it wouldn't last long, she relished in it. Dumbledores words echoed through her head still, a constant reminder to stay on guard.

"People change in the maze."

"What's your plan, Diggory?" She challenged, his name dripping off her lips like a thick poison, as far as Estella was concerned, they were still enemies. If she let herself relax he could lunge for his wand any second, leaving her barely any time to react.

This was a competition for Merlins sake.

The only word that came to mind as she looked him up and down was defeated, he seemed over it, shoulders slumped and his breaths so loud and ragged she could hear them metres away where she stood. He looked as if he'd already exhausted all options, now ready to do anything if it stopped him wondering around disorientating bushes aimlessly.

She almost felt bad for him.

"The sooner someone finds the cup, the sooner we get out of here. If we helped each other we could both win."

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