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                                 THE CEILING OF the great hall had always been intriguing to Estella Gaunt

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                                 THE CEILING OF the great hall had always been intriguing to Estella Gaunt. So much so she'd had the same enchantment placed in her bedroom at home. During the holidays she'd stay up late, sometimes even for hours, stargazing belly up on her patchwork sheets, quietly pointing out the constellations to herself and sometimes even being lucky enough to see a shooting star. All from the comfort of her own bed. It gave her a new found appreciation for the world, knowing that it could create such beauty.

She currently abided at the Slytherin table, next to Blaise, her hand propping up her head in her palm, unable to tear her eyes from celestial image above, it was almost as if the moment she did they'd disappear forever.

But they didn't. Blaise snapped his fingers in front of her face impatiently, breaking her spell of calmness, he looked irritated as he met her light blue eyes. "have you listened to a word I've said?"

Estella smiled guiltily, shaking her head. He scoffed and turned away to find someone else to blabber to. She took the time to glance around the hall, banners of red hung from the ceiling tauntingly, a reminder that her year was going to be packed full of house bias as always. The favouritism bestowed upon Gryffindors may have been tolerable to her if it didn't mean her house was treat like dragons dung in retaliation. Anyone who, or had, attended Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry would tell you that the feud between the two of the four houses was borderline cynical, Slytherin and Gryffindor rivalry ran deep, their mutual hatred for each other lingering in the air of the castle like a thick fog.

If they had been treat as equals, their rivalry wouldn't be nearly as toxic, but when the colour of what lines your uniform and sits on your chest in the form of a tie determines your fate; you'd be quick to turn sour also. Gryffindors were the unsung heroes, praised for their brash and reckless actions, placed on a pedestal above the rest for sheer idiocy. Meanwhile Slytherins, cunning and calculating, are branded as evil from the get go, the second Salazars last name leaves the lips of the old sorting hat they're plummeted into a world of hexes in the hallways and hateful insults thrown their way.

Estella felt sympathetic for any first year that was sorted into her house, which was a shame as she loved what Slytherin stood for. She'd clap nonetheless to show her house pride, it was the least they deserved for what they were about to face, but that didn't shake the nauseous feeling that twisted and turned in the pit of her stomach at the thought of the discrimination they'd be facing for the next 7 years of their lives.

And for what? For being labelled ambitious? For having pure blood course through their veins instead of being mixed with muggles? Other houses treat their hierarchies like vermin, then have the audacity to act surprised when they turn to the only place they grow to know. The darkness.

"Estellaaaa!" Moaned Blaise, poking her in the side causing her to jump, it almost made her knock the empty goblet and cutlery in front of her, they would've gone flying.

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