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A/n I hate this chapter so much but it's vital to the plot later on

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A/n I hate this chapter so much but it's vital to the plot later on.

Tw- sexual assault, if you don't feel comfortable reading this please feel free to message me and I'll fill you in, or just to skip it completely. Ty <3

If you have any suggestions on how to improve my writing please let me know!


IT HAD BEEN THREE days since Estella Gaunt returned to Hogwarts, and apparently, three days was enough time to leave her waist deep in homework, ready to redact her pureblood status and live out the rest of her life as a muggle. Maybe that was slightly dramatic, but the stress she was already feeling less than a week in left her questioning what her mental state would be like come the end of the year.

She was sat in the shade of a tall oak tree overlooking the black lake, it's shimmering surface reflected the setting sun mesmerisingly, leaving her work surrounding her untouched as she admired it, deep in thought. She didnt want to admit it, but the possibility of her having to drop one or two of her self-study subjects was becoming increasingly more likely, she hated the thought, having to admit defeat so early, but it was becoming increasing hard, borderline impossible in fact, to keep both her sanity and the work load up, and she'd much rather stay mentally stable.

It also didn't help that one of her two roommates, Parkinson, snored so loudly she'd give a troll a run for its money. She was also too selfish to cast a silencing charm on her curtains, saying how she 'couldn't fall asleep in complete silence'. Estella scoffed audibly at the thought. She wanted her own room. Needed it. But dumbledore had said it would look like favouritism (he's one to talk) if she were to get one of her own, yet he had no problem accepting the 'generous donations' from the pureblood families of Slytherin children, which resulted in almost half her house living it up with their own personal living space, while she was stuck bunking with dumb and dumber.

It wasn't all bad, however. A fifth year, Terrence Higgs, had asked if she'd wanted to study with him. She took him up on the offer immediately, knowing he'd have knowledge in at least her core subjects, but now she was starting to feel slightly guilty. She usually had no issue using people, it was second nature, 'those cunning folk will use any means to achieve their ends', but she felt awful about it, maybe it was because she was so stressed her self, so she just assumed he would be too, especially a year ahead of her. Or maybe it was just because she didn't want to use her own house, it felt, wrong. Like an unwritten rule that it was off limits.

'He did offer' she thought, mentally debating with her self. Maybe she would be able to help him with somethings, she had studied up on potions during the holidays, and transfiguration when she had the chance. Turning down a life raft when you're already drowning would be absurd.

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