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Forming a dark hand, I made a fist and started punching the glass, my vision was splitting though. The glass finally broke but my grip was slipping, and I gave Eva a look.

"Don't you dare-"

Throwing Eva up into the window with all the strength I had, my grip broke but before I fell back into the surreal people Eva outstretched her hands barely catching me mid-air. As uncomfortable as this feels, it's better than being axed to death as she floated me up into the window and next to her before I slumped into her arms.

"Are you insane you could've died!"

Eva was fussing at me, but all I could do was smile before collapsing next to her.

"Blake? Blake!"

"I'm okay I just need to sleep..."

I mumbled locking my hand into her own. The window closed and if we were ambushed now it would not look good for either of us. A puppy approached us but it has this strange vanilla smell it gave off, lulling me to sleep.

"...You almost failed that test, Blake despite his darkness ripping at his desires, he at least thought about it."

I was on a table in something like a morgue, stepping off the table I almost fell backward. Catching myself on the table, the puppy slid by my legs.

"He's gonna be the deciding vote."

Picking up the puppy into my arms, Hazel and Flynn were back Eva was behind them but with a solemn look.

"So here's the situation-"

"Not to cut you off Flynn but Eva stays."

Getting my glare back on, Hazel didn't back down either.

"And why should she? She only passed the test by you're persistence."

"She can manipulate blood in the human body and twist it to how she wants, what more proof do you need?"

"Let me guess, you love her don't you?"

"I do."

Holy hell did I just say that? Anyways...

"But that shouldn't change the fact she's powerful-"

"But it does Blake, love blinds people to the obvious choice."

Chuckling angrily, I let the puppy walk away letting my darkness grow out from my back.

"You think you know people? The first thing you'll do is kill her once she isn't useful anymore. You already know how strong I am regularly how bad do you think it's going to be when I'm angry?"

Tension grew as me and Hazel glared at each other. Barely breathing too, until Flynn said.

"Whoa, guys, how about we come to a compromise? We're on an intermission right now, if Eva passes Level 4 she stays. You did throw them into chaos without rest Hazel."

Hazel looked at Flynn, then back at me, and said.

"Fine, I'll give her another chance."


"Good choice."

I said letting my darkness to recede back into me, once Hazel and Flynn left entirely I slid onto the floor. Panting heavily fatigue is no joke, never do level two and straight into level three. Eva sat down next to me, kissing my cheek slowly.

"You don't have to thank me-"

"You shouldn't protect me anymore."

"I can't let you die, Eva..."

As we locked eyes, I pushed some hair behind her ear.

"There's only so much loss I can take, no matter what happens to me."

"Blake, you have to let me get hurt that's how I survive."

Sighing, she ruffled some of my hair and said.

"Trust me."

"It's not that I don't but..."

Eva was leaning in to kiss me, but I didn't have enough willpower to suppress the lust coming up. Going the rest of the way I kissed her first, cupping her chin with my hands. My darkness crept onto my arms and cheeks, once I let go we were both breathless but I wasn't done by a longshot. Pushing her gently down onto the floor, I kissed her more passionately on the way down, running my fingers down her chest. Thank god she wanted this too because it'd be very hard to stop while I'm on this hiatus. Moving to bite her neck hearing her moan made it even worse. I closed my eyes for a second as I kissed her chest, just listening to the sounds she was making. Once I reached her waist she pulled my attention back to her by grabbing my chin with her hand.

"I don't want to have sex yet."

"Okay, but do you mind if we get a little close?"


Eva said as a devilish smirk grew on me. Picking her up into my chest, she kissed me this time as I pinned her to the wall by her legs. Her hands ran through my hair and down the back of my neck, mine was rising up her chest. Unconsciously I started to press my waist onto hers, going in a slow pulsating motion, I figured it out once she wrapped her legs around my back. I pulled back for a second so I could breathe, resting my head next to hers, she suddenly kissed my neck which sent a moan through my throat.

"You're on the edge aren't you?"

She said as I replied.

"Always have been ever since you kissed me."

I exhaled keeping myself still, I could feel the darkness wanted more and so did I, but I knew that isn't what she wanted. Eva lifted my chin and gave me one last full kiss before pulling back herself. Lowering her gently onto the floor, I bit my lip and so did she but I made it a point to walk away first. I was looking for rooms to no avail, but I did stumble upon an art studio of some kind. Either way, it was a good alone spot in case-

"You didn't keep your promise."

Like that.

"We killed a lot of guards, and made out with Eva."

"But we didn't fu-"

"Don't finish that."

My darkness grew from my feet, growing a little taller than me before throwing me into a desk.

"We haven't reveled in anything, you are soft."

"I have morals."

I started to say you forgot to take those but didn't since it very well could.

"You don't need them."

"It makes negotiations easier-"

Choking me by the neck, it lifted me in the air, but I was smiling.

"What's funny? "

"You need me, and I need you, if you kill me you die too."

"Incorrect, I can survive in any host."

"So if that's the case why haven't you possessed Eva yet?-"

Tightening its grip, I knew it was angry now once it finally let go I coughed but chuckled.

"That's what I thought, I'm the only compatible one so keep your mouth shut and you'll get what you want..."

It was silent then as I rubbed my neck, then stood and walked off.

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