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Before I could ask why I blinked up to a star-filled sky, it felt like I was being dragged, groaning I was still drifting in and out of consciousness. But I felt a swift shake from my mystery savior.

"Ah ah, hang on just a little longer."

"Who are you..."

I irked out, as I felt a pinch in the back of my neck.

"One thing at a time."

After a few seconds of silence, I felt it. Screaming in pain my darkness crushed and contorted inside me, it was redirecting the poison in my veins, but it was like I was burning from the inside out. I seized trying to stay conscious, yelling, until the pain started to simmer down. Twisting up onto my side, I started to puke up the poison. It was a lot and the savior was gracious enough to pull my hair back. After one last retch, I coughed gagging as he pulled my arm over his shoulder.

"Alright, now you can sleep."

With that I blacked out and ended up back in my pitch-black space, I haven't been here in a while.

"Thank you."

I said as it sounded like the darkness was a snake slithering away from my view.

"Why are you thanking me? "

"Well you didn't have to redirect the poison completely, you could've just kept my head in a coma and used my body."

"I despise you, but you were right. I need you."

"That feather guy is going to be a problem."

"Not for long."

Gasping awake, I winced holding my stomach as sweat trickled down my forehead, looking down I was on a couch. My savior was on a stool flipping through a book.

"Easy, you're awake."

My head was clanging as I held it, but my vision cleared as he passed me some water in a brown cup. Drinking it slowly, he said.

"My name is Rider, Hazel's ex-husband."

Choking on the water, I coughed as Rider chuckled.


I screamed as he patted my back.

"We used to get in bed together and-"

"No, no stop I got that part."

I said holding out my hands, then lowered them, replying with.

"Then that means she wasn't always like this."

"No, she wasn't."

Rider refilled my cup with water as I listened to him tell what Hazel was like. She actually was a supporter of those with dark abilities, actually wanted to free them, started this program as just a safety precaution. Then she started to like the power of authority and killed for sport. The smile she gives now is just a facade.

"And by far the most important, she's immortal."

"Like she lives forever?"

"Exactly, only certain people know her ability."

Dipping my head, I thought about it and said.

"It's just us two isn't it?"


"Well about that, I sort of snapped her neck, so does that mean-"

"Yep, Hazel is alive and kicking. It takes a couple of hours but she'll heal."

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