-Ch.1;I'm What Now?-

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Tap,tap,tap,tap,tap....taptaptaptaptap TAP

"Aaand submitted" Louie smiled, stretching her arms out while leaning against the rolling chair. Almost falling backwards but Eric, her boyfriend caught her just in time. "Oh gosh thanks" She touched her chest just above her heart. She thought she was going to end up with another all day headache again. 

"What did you do to almost fall over again?" He chuckled running his long fingers through her soft brown highlighted hair. She hummed, leaning into his touch loving every second of it. "Applied as an accountant for TKim Electronics, hoping they'll accept me" She sighed placing her hand on Eric's. 

Louie, a 22 year old graduate with her masters degree due to finishing high school at 15. Although her IQ level is below that of Mr.Kim Namjoon, the youngest man to build his tech company from scratch, she felt good about her life without making that much use of her intelligence. Rather, she wished she wasn't so smart about things.

Her gift made it impossible to make good friends. She knew they only used her to get good grades, to do their homework, even ask how the high school tests were. She felt like she was being used all the time and maybe, just maybe accepted it as her life. Until she met Eric. 

He never tried to make her do things for his advantage. Instead, he used to take her out on these little dates to get to know her for her. It was a first for Louie, so of course she's grown to love it. 

The only problem is. Eric's a playboy. He not only took her out when he could, he took any other girl that was hot out. As  much as Louie knew what he is, she still found him amazing for giving his precious time to her, an average looking smart ass.

"Why can't we be official?" She finally asked the question bugging her since moving in. He stopped stroking her hair, a sigh escaping the lips she desperately wanted to kiss. "You know why Louie, I'll only break your heart. You deserve someone more, someone who loves you with all their heart. Mine was already broken and so each piece holds a place for many" He moves away from her.

She whines and gets up from the chair, hugging him from behind. She holds him close to feel his presence. "I don't care. I want to show you the love I have for you, even if I won't hold a piece of your heart" She buries her face into his back.

Grabbing her hands, Eric peels her off his. He turned around, a fond smile on his face as he pats her head. "Your still so young, I don't want to ruin you" He admits, a sadness over laying the sparkles in his eyes. 

"I'm telling you to, I want you" Louie reaches out to his face, tip toeing to kiss him but he backs away. Just before her lips could even graze his, she stumbled into his arms. Failing once again. 

"No Louie, I'm 5 years older than you" Before Louie could protest, Eric's phone rang. He took it out, answering with a smile. She sighed knowing it must be another one of his women.

"What?" He narrows his eyes, looking at the clock above the desk Louie just sat at. 1pm. Sighing he says okay then hangs up walking out of the room with quick steps. Louie followed, speed walking since her legs aren't as long as his. "Are you going right now? You promised you'd go on a coffee date at 2" She grabbed his arm just as he was about to leave.

He turns to her, his eyes softening seeing her quivering lips and eyes watering. Reaching out to wipe the single tear from her cheek, he kisses it. "I told you not to fall in love with me didn't I?"He says leaving Louie in the silence of his home. She stands there, sad nor happy. Just disappointed. 

"Wipes my tear away, kisses my cheek, then tells me not to fall in love...how in the fucking name of gods am I not supposed to fall in love with his flirty, kind, loving dumbass!!!" She throws her hands in the air, dropping to her knees reading to throw havoc in the very space she and he calls home. 

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