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Louie's POV

After spending my hour lunch or brunch break of playing in the arcade and trying to roller skate outside of the dinner. I found out my boss isn't really good at balancing himself. If fact I had to dive a few times so he wouldn't get hurt. The food was delicious in all honesty, I had fun. For a good few minutes of spending time with him, I felt so protective over him. 

Yeah he's really gullible and so innocent. If he was acting he should get an oscar because he almost got kissed on the way back to the building. If it weren't for me, he would've been in a hotel right now. 

"Louie!!!" I heard Izzy yell for me with the loud clicks of fast heels. Looking ahead I found her shoving some people who walked in her way a few times. Once she got to me, she noticed Taehyung aka my boss Mr.Kim sucking on a cherry lollipop waving at passersby. 

"Whoa" She genuinely lost all her breath, forgetting how to breath seeing Mr.Kim effortlessly being handsome. He had her in a complete trance. Glancing at him, he again was gullible to a gawking Izzy practically drooling over him. He finally noticed her stare, smiling a little he waved with his right hand and stuffing his left into his pants pocket. 

He moved the lollipop a little in his mouth and Izzy was starting to creep me out as she stared at the cherry candy in his mouth. "Izzy" I stood in front of her, blocking her view of Mr.Kim who carelessly greeted another women as Izzy almost looked like smoke was bursting from her ears.

"What did you so eagerly want to tell me?" I tried to keep her from watching my boss but her attraction to his face was far beyond my imagination as she shoved me to the side just to walk up to him and snatch his attention from the other women he was talking to by grabbing his collar.

I gasped catching myself from falling to the ground. Looking at Izzy tip toeing, I was about to scream.

Then the women he was talking to immediately grabbed Izzy's puckering lips, shoving her face away from the stupidly cute Mr.Kim blinking his eyes not knowing whats happening. "I'm sorry but this is considered sexual harassment" The women grabbed Izzy's wrist, loosening her grip on Mr.Kims shirt that happened to have 3 buttons undone from Izzy's crazy grasp. 

Izzy blinked a few times now understanding what she was about to do to a random male. She moved away from the women, embarrassed by herself. "I-I'm sorry, it won't ever happen again" She bowed to the women who turned around to talk to Mr.Kim again but found empty space. 

She looked around the place but stopped, staring behind me. Confused I turned around only to jump away. Mr.Kim stood directly behind me for some reason while watching the little scene go down because of him. Well, partly him. 

It wasn't the fact that Mr.Kim was behind me that scared me, it was how swiftly quiet it was. I didn't even notice he walked towards me. I DIDN'T EVEN SEE HIM LEAVE THE SPOT. 

"Taehyung?" The women gulped watching him walk to my side just to rest his arm on my shoulder then lean his head on top of mine. I kinda felt offended without being told anything. It was now that I realised just how fricken small I am compared to him. Even in 3 inch heels. 

"Yeah Gwen?" He looked at her, using his other hand to twirl the lollipop in his mouth. "Who is that?" She points to me. Again I felt completely offended. Now she notices me? I've been standing RIGHT HERE THE WHOLE TIME. Unintentionally I roll my eyes, she probably noticed because she scowled at me once my eyes landed right back on her unbelievably beautiful face and body holy sh-

 "My friend" He smiles patting my head on the side since his temple was busy resting on the very top of my skull. Then I kinda furrowed my brows. Friend? I'm his assistant. Why is she speaking so informally with him as well as everyone else he interacted with? Why is he lying?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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