-Ch.2;Child In a Mans Body-

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"Please calm down Ms.Louie" Jungkook watched as Louie leaned against the elevator doors, her head slightly hurting with the new information playing over and over in her mind. "CALM DOWN!?" She yelled, Jungkook flinching a little. "You want me to calm down, after dropping the bomb like that???"

"Shouldn't you be happy that your getting interviewed to be the CEO of TKim Electronics?" He held his hands in front of him, scared Louies raging eyes would soon pounce on him for the kill. "Yeah, sure, but I applied to be an accountant for the company, not his assistant" She glared at Jungkook.

"Not only that, I don't have much of a good impression on you, I'd go insane working with you" She spat. He sighed understanding it all now. It wasn't the fact she was going to have a chance at being TKims Electronics CEO assistant but the first assistant, him, was the biggest problem. Seeing Izzy beside Louie not too long ago, he figured she told Louie everything.

"If you really don't want the job, your free to go back down. I can inform the CEO you declined his offer" Jungkook suggested taking in his composer again. He walked towards the buttons, about to press the ground one but stopped on Louie's command.

Seeing Jungkooks finger almost hit the button that could end a once in a lifetime offer, Eric's face flashed before her eyes. His struggling with money and recent payments, plus she needed to pay her student loans along with some dept to her stepfather. Mostly, she wanted to help Eric with the struggles.

"I'll take up the interview, even though I don't like the idea of working with you, I have much more important things I need to finish that requires money" She admitted causing Jungkook to nod and scan his ID card over some fancy laser scanner. Then a female voice came through, scarring Louie this time.

"Welcome Mr.Jeon" The female voice rang through the elevator like a distant echo. "Inform the CEO that were coming up with Louie Thompson. She's 100% in for the job" Jungkook said and the female voice responded with a yes sir. It's slightly freaked her out but not as much as before. Then again the company is about electronics so of course everything will have latest machines.

"Who was that?" Louie asked Jungkook who peered down to her, an eyebrow raised. "That was a better version of Alexa. We call her Kim. She's practically a human being herself but as usual, a machine could never be fully human" Jungkook got a call when Louie wanted to ask him why they named her Kim.

Maybe because the company name has Kim in it. She thought leaning against the doors again, the elevator seemingly to move extremely slow but the doors opened as soon as she was going to lean against it. You can guess what happened. Jungkook being too busy to pay attention to her and her slow reflexes allowed her to greet the CEO floor with a nice head butt to the ground.

Jungkook still had no clue making his way out. ignoring Louies painful moans and groans. It being too late to notice her being on the ground, his feet collided into hers. Next one to greet the ground with a lovely head butt into the ground after a painful graze of both heads.

"Oww watch where your going!!" Louie slapped Jungkook shoulder only to let her palm throb by the hurtful impact. "It's your own fault for being so clumsy" Jungkook groaned, getting up by putting one of his hands on the side of Louies head and the other grabbing his phone. He supported himself on the other hand letting both his legs support his back side on either side of Louie's.

"I'm sorry babe" He groaned, his head pounding. "I'll call you back" He hung up right after despite the desperate no's coming from his babe. He threw his phone not caring to rub his head until he heard Louie's moan under him. He looked down at her, she had one of her hands grabbing a handful of her hair as her other traveled from her head down her neck to her chest taking a deep breath.

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